text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Patrol, year of production 1997:
TUN E (Tun ing): n is • button when A T the button
I mutes when butto the optimum reception conditions. Emergenc y broadcast interrupt function The TA mode is selected when the TA is presse d
I A the s tation/pr ese t • when
I a stat ion
I v
is pressed. other than one broadcast
EBU traffic·
• Program information (PI) sear ch
A WA RNING: nouncemen ts
1 is tuned in. If no stat
9 INF O) ion
, OR provid
and • The TA mode dle ss of whether
channel on operat es regar
The indi cator come
3. will then
Program Information (PI) search begins auta ing traffic announcements (Tp
) is
The radio should not be tuned while driving now
g is the AF mode is on or off.
the sound will resu me. Memorizin
When the radio receives PTY code 31 (an
mati cally if no suitable station is found wit H found once all the freq uencies have been
so full attention may be given to vehicle
emergency broadca st code), the sound is •
the above auto swit ching follow function. Th � A T ON is dis playe the A T mode is searched, the radio will return to the station
d when
inter rupted, the emergency broadc ast is
ner. PI turned on, and the r comes on. TA
buttons can e man search function checks each RDS statii � TA indicato tuned in before the TP seek mode was set.
4. Other be set in the sam
heard, and PT Y3 1 ALARM is displa yed. The
with the same PI code. During this time th OFF is disp layed mode turned is
the TU NE button V or A for manual e when the TA
or if
the battey cable cted, PY Program type:
If is disconne I I
volume level at this time is the same as that off.
sound is muted and SEARCH is disp laye: off, and the A T indi cator turns I
tuning. To move quickly through the channels,
will be
the fuse bl ows, the
radio memoy
When PTY button is pressed for less than 1. 5
The PI search operation stops when a suit ; for traffic announc ements. Once the em er
hold either side of the TU NE button down for
ed sta The following functio when the A T
erased. In that case, desir ns operate
reset the
d seconds during FM mode, the PTY name of the
able station is found. If no stat ion is fou n gency broadcast is finished, the unit immedi
more than 0.5 second.
tions. mode is on:
current tuned station is displayed. During this
once all the frequencies have been searched , ately returns to the previous source.
The freque ,ncy changes in steps of 1 00 kHz on
• Trafic annou ncem upt function time if the PTY data code is zero, or the data is
Radio data system (RDS) the radio returns to the previous frequenc ' y. ent int err
the FM band, 9 kHz on the MW band, and 3 kHz • REG (Regional) mode
unreadable; the di splay will show NONE .
• Enha nced Other Network (EON) dat � When traffic a announc is received, the
Alternative Frequenc y (AF): ement
on the LW band.
This mode is turned on and off by pressing
When this button is pressed for longer than 1. 5
up date (This function also oper ates announcement is . tuned in and the volume
The AF function operates in the FM (radio) the AF button for more than 1. 5 seconds
I I SE EK tun ing:
I X seconds during FM mode, the last preselected
V I when the AF mode is off.) in creases to the set level. TRAFFIC INFO is
mode. during the FM mode. When the mode is
PTY name will be di splayed for 3 seconds, and
When adjust ing the broadcasting station fre
When EON data is being received, this en
turned on, the REG ind icator comes on and
• the radio enters the PTY selection mode.
quenc y automatically, push the SEEK button When the AF button is pressed than less for
ables automatic re tuning of other preset sta Once the traffic announc ement is finished, the
all bits of the PI code are checked during the
the AF
� or A . When the system detects a broad 1. 5 seconds, the AF function and
1. PTY selection mode
tions on the same network. Also, network unit returns to the sou rce which was set before
auto follow operation.
cas ting station, it will stop at the station. indic ator turn on or off.
link ed services can be used. the traffic announ cement started, and the vol
The PTY name can be selected and after 5
When the mode is turned off, the REG indic ator
• When the AF button more than returns to the previous level. For EON
Station memoy operations: is pressed for ume