text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Patrol, year of production 1997:
C turned and
off the compa ct
disc will start play. to [S CA]
skip noise. The indicator will come on.
to SCA N
A (APS FF) button s tunin
tape still in the player, the tape will resume several time " g:
" {"'"
the actured unde/
h programs. ance Dolby noise reduction is manuf Do not force the comp act di sc into the I FF (Fast
playing when the system is turned back on. throug The adv • FOWa rd), REW When
tape will I the SCAN
I tun t
A I V i ng but
on is
Pushe �
� for
to nine Licensing Cor slot. This c ould damage the player. (ReWind):
umber of times the (up license from Dolby Laboratories
n butto n is pushed less
than 1. 5 seconds
the CD
. IS b el
I . . ng
I o .
the double-D symb
prog rams). poration. Dolby NR and l
When the . (fast forward) or V (rewind) p I aye d h , t b e eglnnlng .
of all the
• Do not use 8 cm (3.1 in) di scs. CD pro
• When the TAPE button is pushed with the U: In
ks of Dolby Laboratories
] are trademar
D each track wi ll
button is pushed while the compact disc is be pla yed
� ed for 1 0
When the (APS push seconds
REW) button is in
syst em . turned off and a tape loaded, the
f the system has been turned off while the
censing Corpor at ion. I
being played, the com pact disc will play while sequence.
the program r from
once, being ove
pla yed starts
sys tem will come on and the tape will play.
pact d isc was playing, pushing the
fast forwa rding rewindor j ng. When the button is
button Metal or chrome tape usage:
the beginning. Push the W)
� (APS RE When the SC
AN tuning button
is pushed
ON·OF FIVOL control knob will start the com for
• When the TAPE button is pushed with either released, the compact disc will return to normal
ction s.
several times to skip ba sele
ck several The cassette pla yer will be automatically set to more
than 1: 5 seconds
while the CD
t disc. is being
play �peed.
the radio or comp act disc turned on and the
es the
The tape will go back tim high performance play when playing a metal or
the number of played,
the first program
in all the CDs
wi ll be
tape loaded, the comp act disc or the radio
�oAD CD LOAD: APS (Automatic Pr
symb ol I A ogram
button is pushed. Either W I V I
the FF or RE chrome cassette tape. I I pla yed
for 0 1 seconds.
will automatically be turned off and the tape
Search) FF, APS REW:
rch ing
flashes on the dis play sea
window while
To insert a CD in the CD changer, push the
. will play. I TAPE EJECT: Pu shing the button again during this 0 1 second
for the selection. I � When the A FF) (APS button is pushed while
LOAD button for less than 1. 5 seconds. Select \
period will stop SCAN tuning.
with the tape .