text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Patrol, year of production 1997:
This unit an is electronic LW-MW-FM with radio or CD display yill automa
A WA RNING: 7. If the code s pee d Sensi tive control Volume (SSV), the tically
is incorrect the fourth time, thel reappear
about ,1 0 seconds. '
cassette player and CD player with an anti-th � ft dio volume will change as the driving speed AUDIO ADJUSTING BUDON
uni t becomes inoperable for 60 minutes andl a u
plac e
Keep the radio pass card in a safe
s. Center
system and traffic announcement function. ch ange
( -- ) is displayed. Afte r 60 minutes, th vo r Ao r
- - e: � A
hicle . position Radio oper ation
and refra in from keep ing ve
it in the
code input mode is automatically set (COD
NU butt on:
se the ME
Anti-thet system (without personal Conta ct a NI SSAN dealer if you lo
· I FM /A M I Radio band sel ect/ Auto
IN is di splayed). If the above is repeated 1 71
BAS - 5 BAS 0 BAS +5
umb er
radio pass card or forget the code n
code) press the MENU button to change the selecting adjust-
times, the unit will lock permanently and y o Pushing the FM/AM button will change the band
u! ment)
of your radio.
mo de as follow s.
This uni t can only be activated when the igni tion will need to contact a NISSAN dealer. ! TREBLE as follows:
Un locking the unit: S 7 TREBLE 7 FADER 7 BALANCE 7 (treble
key for NATS is in the ACC or ON position. BAS TRE -5 TRE 0 TRE +5
adjust- FM 7 FM (AS) 7 MW 7 LW
Audio main op era tion (if so equipped) 7 NR (when cassette is
SSV ment)
Read this sec tion vey carefully. It is imp or
Each radio is un iquely matched to the vehicle's
playing ) FADER When FM/AM button is pushed while the igni
Head uni t:
tant that the ins tructions ar e fol lowed pre
immobili zer and ther efore cannot be transferred (fro nt/rear FAD R 5 FAD F 5 '
tion switch is in the ACC or ON, the radio will : I
cisely. ; balance (FADER (FADER
To adjust Bass, Treble, Fader and Balance, FAD 0
The tape deck emplo ys a permalloy head which
to any other vehicle.
adjust- Rear) Front) come on at the stat ion last played.
p ress the ME NU button until the desired mode
battery supply the to inter rupted allows for im proved reproduction of high fre-; ment)
If the vehicle is I ,
, I'1 ' l , i .
Anti-thet system (with personal code) 1
(BASS, TREBLE, FADER or BALANCE) ap The last sta tion played will also come on when
accident for some will lock. quency ranges. Noise is also greatly reduced by! BAL-
by rea son, the unit
pears in the displa y. Press the TU NE ( V , the ON· OFFIVOL control knob pushed is to ON.
the combined use of the Dolby NR (Nois e'
By using a personal 4-digit code known only to (left/ri ght
To unlo ck the unit, proceed as follows:
Reduction) sys tem. The auto loud ness circu it; A ) or SEEK ( � , A ) button to adjust balance I ','
the vehicle owner, the pos sibili ty of the audio Left) Right) If a com pact disc or tape is playing when the
adjust- II: :
the power/vo lume to turn Bass and Treble to the desired level. Use the
1. Press control knob enhances the low frequency range automatically
unit being stolen is effect ively reduced, because ment) FM/AM button is turned to ON, the comp act
the unit on. TU NE or SEEK button also to adjust Fader or
in both radio reception and tape and CD play
without the code, the unit cannot be activated. disc or tape will automatically be turned and off
To change the SSV mode to OFF, LOW, MID or
Balance modes. Fader adjusts the sound level
the last radio sta tion played will come on.
When used normally, the uni t is unlocked and 2. CODE IN is dis played
. HIGH, press the V or button. (if
between the front and rear speakers and Bal
accessible in the usual way. ON· OFF /V olume contr ol:
so equipped) During FM recepti on, when the FM/AM bu tton is
3. Input your personal code by pressin g the ance adjusts the sound between the right and
for more than pressed 1. 5 seconds, sta tions are
If however, force is used to try and remove the preset buttons (1 to 4). Turn the ignition key to ACC or ON, and then left speakers.
To change the NR (Dol by) mode to OFF or ON,
searched for automatically and the six sta tions
unit, the anti-theft syst em activates and the unit push the ON·OF FIVOL (Volume) control knob
4. Press the A button. press the V or A (TU NE ) button while
with the strongest signals are automatically
while the tem sys is off to call the up mode (radio,
locks. The only way it can be un locked is by
cassette tape is playing. When Dolby ON, is the
stored on FM.
5. If the entered code number is correct, the tape or CD) which was playing immed iately
entering the personal code numb er known only
di splay ind icates the DO mark.
radio turns on. A radio frequency appears on before the syst em was turned off. When no CD
by the owner. This code number cannot be The sound is muted until the auto store opera
the display. or tape is loaded, the radio will come on. While
' Once you have adjusted the sound qual ity to the
altered and applies only to your vehicle. This tion is completed, upon which preset channel 1
the system is on, pushing the ON·OF FIVOL
desired level, press the MENU button repeatedly
code number is shown on radio a pass card. The 6. If the entered code is incorrect, the unit is automatically tuned in.
control knob turns the syst em off.
until the radio, cassette tape or CD display
radio pass card is installed in the glo ve box at the becomes inoperable for 10 seconds for the
reappears. Otherwise, the radio, cassette tape
vehicle productions site. Ask a NISSAN dealer first three attempts, then the code input mode Turn the ON·OF FIVOL control knob to adjust
for the location of your radio pass card. is automatically set (CODE IN is displayed). the volume. If your vehicle is equ ipped with
Display scr een, heater and air conditioner, and audio syste m 4-45
4-44 Display scree n, heater and air conditioner, and audio syste m
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