owners manual Nissan Patrol
owners manual Nissan Patrol - year of production: 1997 - Nissan Patrol Y61 GR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Patrol, year of production 1997:
ed off and the last radio station pla yed will
To turn the radio off, press the ON·OF FIVOL u rn 0 1 seconds. Pushing the button again during
control knob. co m e on. this 0 1 seconds pe riod will stop SCAN tuning ) Select
and the radio will remain tuned statio n.
to that
Turn the ON·O FFIVOL control knob to adjust FM stereo indicator ST will glow during FM
Th e 9" ,
the volume. reo reception. When the stereo broadca st If the SEEK /SCAN tuning butto pushed
te n is not
al is weak, the radio will automatically within 10 seconds, SCAN s to the
n tuning move
Freq uenc y range and step change
nge from stereo to monaural recep tion. next stat ion.
operations (for Central/South America):
The frequency range and step of this radio can
I I TUNE (Tuning):
�d � [V I A
be changed to the central/south American Adjust to the
desired level.
specification. To change the frequency range ,
and step, proceed as follows: Select the audio mode.
e radio should be not tuned while driving
1. Turn the audio unit on.
o full attention may be gi ven to vehicle
2. Press and hold the station select buttons 3 operati on.
and 4. sette tape or CD di splay appears.
tone qual ity e r i
Adjusting and speak
these buttons for manual tuning. To move
3. Press the manual tuning button A while balan ce:
quickly through the channels, hold either of the
FM-AM rad io oper ation
the station select buttons 3 and 4 are being
To adjust BASS, TRE (Tre ble), BAL (Balance)
TUNE buttons down for more than 0.5 second.
IFM /A M FM/AM band select:
pressed. "AM 530 kHz" is displa yed.
and FAD (Fader), press the AUDIO button until
SEEK /SCAN tuning:
� I �
the desired mode BAS, TRE, FAD or BAL Pushing the FM/AM band select button will
The frequency range and step have now been
V or SEEK tuning
appears in the dis play. Press the change the band FM1 , FM2 or AM.
changed to the central/south American specifi
A button to adjust Bass and Treble
ca tion. Push the SE EK/SCAN tuning button :::: or @ Confirm
When FM/AM band select button is pushed
V or
(TRE) to the desired lev�1. Use the
::::: for less than 1. 5 seconds. SEEK tuning
while the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON, th �
A button also to adjust Fader (FAD) or Bal
begins from high to low or low to high frequen
radio will come on at the station last played.
�c --------�
ance (BAL) modes. FAD adjusts the sound level
cies and stops at the next broadcasting station.
-/� -
and BAL The last stat ion pla yed will also come on when.
between the front and rear speakers
' SCAN tuning
1-' M , ,, ,, I
the power knob is turned to ON.
adjusts the sound between the right and left ,- " ,
=, L' . I
speakers. After 0 1 seconds, the radio, cassette Push the SE EK/SCAN tuning button :::: or
If a compa ct disc or tape is playing when the
tape or CD display reappears. Once the sound ::::: for more than 1. 5 seconds. SCAN tuning Indic ator will come on.
FM/AM band select button is turned to ON, the
quality is set to the desired level, press the begins from high to low or low to high frequen-
comp act disc or tape will automatically b�
cies and stops at each broadcasting station for SAA 0322
AUDIO button repeatedly until the ' radio, cas-
4-26 Display screen, heat er and air conditioner, and audio syst em Display scre�m, heater and air conditioner,
and audio syste m 4-27
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year of production from: 1997
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Nissan Patrol Y61 GR owners manual
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