text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Patrol, year of production 1997:
tween programs, the system may not stop in the disc will pact disc loaded with the tape or the ra If the compac t disc comes out a d is not
automatically turn off ct di5�
and the compa
Ty pe A
desired or expected location. playing, the tape or radio will automatically b� t removed, it will be pulled back into slot the
the RPT play button is pushed while the
turned off and the compact disc will start to pla y - to protect it.
pact disc is played, the play pattern can be
Dolby NR (Noise Reduction): CAUTI ON: c om
FF (Fast Fowar d), REW changed as follows: If either of the following messages appear on the
Dolby noise reduction is man ufactured under I . I I V I
in to the
• Do not force the compac t disc
. displa y, push the EJ ECT button:
license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Cor
r. ALL CD RPT - 1 CD RPT - 1TR (Tra ck)RP T l
slot. This co uld damage the pla ye
When the . (fast forward) or V I
pora tion. Dolby NR and the double-D symbol (rewind) •
lC D MIX - ALL CD MIX - PUSH EJECT - Ej ect the disc, and insert it
not use 8 cm di scs .
• Do (3.1 in) button is pushed while the compact disc
D are trademar ks of Dolby Laboratories Li again.
being played, the comp act disc will play whil
censing Corpora tion. he di spla y shows the following symbols.
If the syst em has be while the T
en turned off • CHECK DISC - Ej ect the disc, and ' check
fast forward ing or rewinding. When the button is
com pact disc was g the
playing, pushin
Metal chrome or tape usage: whether it is inserted upside- down or dam
(no mark): ALL CD RPT (Rep eat)
released, the compa ct disc will return to nO'm 1
the com Volume control
ON·OFFIVOL control knob will start
The cassette player will be automatically set to play speed. switch (down)
pact disc.
high performance play when playing a metal or
CD IN ind icator:
APS (Auto matic Program'
CD LOAD: I A I 1: 1 TR (Track) RPT
chrome cassette tape.
I Search) FF, APS REW: SAA049 1D
CD IN ind icator (inserted slot num ber) appears
I To insert a CD in the CD changer, push the MIX: ALL CD MIX
I � When the A (APS FF) button is pushed whil � on the display when the CD is loaded with the
LOAD button for less than 1. 5 seconds. Select
the com pact disc is being played, the program syst em on.
When this button is pushed with the tape 1 DISC MIX: 1 CD MIX
CO NTROL (if so equipp ed)
the loading slot by pu insert select
shing the CD
next to the present one will start to play from its
loaded, the tape will be ejected.
button (1 to 6), then insert the CD. The audio syst em can be oper ated using the
beginning. Push several times to skip througb �
When the tape is ejected while it is being played,
controls on the steering wheel. The availability of
programs. The com pact disc will advance the
To ins ert 6 CDs to the CD changer in succes When the CD EJECT button is pushed with the
the system will be turned off.
the steering switch functions depends on each
number of times the button is pushed. (When
sion, push the LOAD button for more than 1. 5
compact disc loaded, the com pact di sc will be
audio unit.
Com pact di sc (CD) changer the last program on the com pact disc is skipped
through, the first program will be played.) When
oper at ion Audio ON-OFF switch (for type A)
The inserted slot nu mbers illu minate on the
To eject the disc selected by the CD select
the � (APS REW) button is pushed, the
With the ignition switch turned to the ACC or
Turn the ignition key to the ACC or ON posit ion, displa y.
program being pla yed returns to its beginnin g. button, push the EJECT button for less than 1. 5
ON posi tion, push the ON-OFF switch to turn
push the LOAD button and insert the compact
CDS Push several times to skip back through pro seconds.
I the audio syst em on or off.
disc into the slot with the label side facing up.
grams. The com pact disc will go back the
To eject all the di scs in succession, push the
The comp act disc will be guided automatically When the CD6 (CD pla y) button is pushed with
Sp ecial switch (for type B)
number of time s the button is pushed. � I
EJ ECT button for more than 1. 5 seconds. I
into the slot and start play ing. the sys tem off and the com pact di sc loaded, the
Each time the special switch is pushed in the
system will turn on and the com pact dis c will CD PLAY select bu tt on:
After loading the disc, the numb er of tracks on
When the EJECT button is pushed while the
start to play. radio mode, the preset station (1 to 6) on each
the disc will appear on the disp lay. To change CD, push the CD play select button
compact disc is being played, the compact disc
band (FM, MW or LW) is selected. To change
(1 to 6). will come out and the syst em will turn oft.
If the radio or tape is already operating, it will When the CD6 button is pushed with the com-
4-50 Display scree n, heater and air conditioner, and audio system Display scr een, heater and air conditioner, and audio system 4-5 1
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