owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
374 Operation
Useful information Tires with run-flat characteristics:
This Operator's Manual describes allRpayattention to the information and warn-
i ingnoticesonMOExtendedtires(tireswith
modelsandallstandardandoptionalequip-run-flat characteristics).
publication of the Operator's Manual.Accessories that are not approved for your
Country-specific differences are possible.vehicle by Mercedes-Benz or are not being
Please note that your vehicle may not beused correctly can impair the operating
equipped with all features described. Thissafety.
also applies to safety-related systems andBefore purchasing and using non-approved
functions. accessories, visit a qualified specialist work-
iReadtheinformationonqualifiedspecial-shop and inquire about:
ist workshops (Y page 27). Rsuitability
Rlegal stipulations
Important safety notes Rfactory recommendations
Information on the sizes and types of wheels
GWARNING andtires for your vehicle can be found under
If wheels and tires of the wrong size are used,"Wheel/tire combinations" (Y page 399).
es the wheel brakes or suspension componentsInformation on tire pressure can be found:
t maybedamaged.Thereisariskofanacci-RontheTireandLoadingInformationplacard
dent. ontheB-pillar on the driver's side
andAlways replace wheels and tires with those(Y page 384)
that fulfill the specifications of the originalRinthetirepressuretableinthefuelfillerflap
part. (Y page 170)
WheelsWhenreplacingwheels,makesuretousetheRunder"Tire pressure" (Y page 377)
Rdesignation Operation
Rmodel Information on driving
Whenreplacing tires, make sure to use the
correct: Checkthetire pressure when the vehicle is
Rdesignation heavily laden and adjust prior to a trip.
Rmanufacturer While driving, pay attention to vibrations,
Rmodel noises and unusual handling characteristics,
GWARNING the wheels or tires are damaged. If you sus-
Aflat tire severely impairs the driving, steer-pect that a tire is defective, reduce your
ing andbrakingcharacteristicsofthevehicle.speed immediately. Stop the vehicle as soon
There is a risk of accident. as possible to check the wheels and tires for
Tires without run-flat characteristics:damage. Hidden tire damage could also be
Rdonotdrivewithaflat tire. If you find no signs of damage, have the tires
Rimmediately replace the flat tire with yourand wheels checked at a qualified specialist
emergency spare wheel or spare wheel, orworkshop.
consult a qualified specialist workshop.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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