owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
All about wheels and tires 393
DOT(DepartmentofTransportation) Speedrating
DOT-markedtires fulfill the requirements ofThe speed rating is part of the tire identifica-
the U S Department of Transportation.tion.Itspecifiesthespeedrangeforwhichthe
Normaloccupantweight tire is approved.
The number of occupants for which the vehi-GVW(GrossVehicleWeight)
cle is designed multiplied by 68 kilogramsThe gross vehicle weight includes the weight
(150 lbs). of the vehicle including fuel, tools, the spare
UniformTireQuality Grading Standardswheel, accessories installed, occupants, lug-
Auniform standard to grade the quality ofgageandthedrawbarnoseweight,ifapplica-
andtemperature characteristics. The qualitythe gross vehicle weight rating GVWR as
turer following specifications from the U.S.the B-pillar on the driver's side.
government. The ratings are molded into theGVWR(GrossVehicleWeightRating)
sidewall of the tire. TheGVWRisthemaximumpermissiblegross
Recommendedtirepressures weightofafullyloadedvehicle(theweightof
The recommendedtire pressure applies tothe vehicle including all accessories, occu-
the tires mounted at the factory. pants, fuel, luggage and the drawbar nose-s
weight, if applicable). The gross vehiclere
TheTireandLoadingInformationplacardcon-weightrating is specifiedhicle iden-ti
tains the recommended tire pressures fortification plate on the B-pillar on the driver'snd
coldtiresonafullyloadedvehicleandfortheside. a
maximumpermissible vehicle speed. Maximumloadedvehicleweight
The tire pressure table contains the recom-The maximumweightis the sum of:
mendedpressures for cold tires for various
operating conditions, i.e. differing load andRthecurbweightofthevehicleWheels
speed conditions. Rtheweightoftheaccessories
Increased vehicle weight due to optionalRtheloadlimit
equipment Rtheweightofthefactory installed optional
The combined weight of all standard andequipment
optional equipment available for the vehicle,Kilopascal (kPa)
ctually installed
regardless of whether it is a Metric unit for tire pressure. 6.9 kPa corre-
onthevehicle or not. spondsto1psi.Anotherunitfortirepressure
Rim is bar. 100 kilopascals (kPa) are the equiva-
This is the part of the wheel on which the tirelent of 1 bar.
is mounted. Loadindex
GAWR(GrossAxleWeightRating) In addition to the load-bearing index, the load
rating. The actual load on an axle must neverthe tire. This specifies the load-bearing capa-
exceed the gross axle weight rating. Thecity more precisely.
gross axle weight rating can be found on the
vehicle identification plate on the B-pillar on
the driver's side.

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year of production from: 2015

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