owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Towingandtow-starting 367
XSlide cover A of positive terminal : in the direction of the arrow.
XConnectpositive terminal : on your vehicle to positive terminal ; of donor battery B
using the jumper cable. Always begin with positive terminal : on your own vehicle first.
XStart the engine of the donor vehicle and run it at idling speed.
the jumper cable, connecting the jumper cable to donor battery B first.
XStart the engine.
XBeforedisconnecting the jumper cables, let the engine run for several minutes.
XFirst, remove the jumper cables from ground point ? and negative terminal =, then from
positive clamp : and positive terminal ;. Begin each time at the contacts on your own
vehicle first.
XHavethebatterycheckedataqualified specialist workshop.
Jump-starting is not considered to be a normal operating condition.
iJumpercablesandfurtherinformation regarding jump-starting can be obtained at anystance
qualified specialist workshop. assi
Towingandtow-starting GWARNING
Important safety notes Whentowingortow-starting another vehicle
andits weight is greater than the permissibleakdow
GWARNING gross weight of your vehicle, the:Bre
Functions relevant to safety are restricted orRthetowingeyecoulddetachitself
nolonger available if: Rthevehicle/trailer combination could roll-
Rtheengineisnotrunning. over.
RthebrakesystemorthepowersteeringisThere is a risk of an accident.
malfunctioning. Whentowingortow-starting another vehicle,
Rthereisamalfunctioninthevoltagesupplyits weight should not be greater than the per-
or the vehicle's electrical system.missible gross weight of your vehicle.
If your vehicle is being towed, much moreDetails on the permissible gross vehicle
force may be necessary to steer or brake.weight of your vehicle can be found on the
There is a risk of an accident. vehicle identification plate (Y page 408).
In such cases, use a tow bar. Before towing,
makesurethatthesteering moves freely.!WhenCOLLISIONPREVENTIONASSIST
GWARNING tion is activated, the vehicle brakes auto-
Youcannolongersteerthevehicle if thematically in certain situations. To avoid
steering wheel lock has been engaged. Theredamagetothevehicle, deactivate these
is a risk of an accident. systems in the following or similar situa-
vehicle with a tow cable or a tow bar.Rwhentowingthevehicle

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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