owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
368 Towingandtow-starting
MakesurethattheelectricparkingbrakeThebattery must be connected and charged.
is released. If the electric parking brake isOtherwise, you:
faulty, visit a qualified specialist workshop.RcannotturntheSmartKeytoposition 2 in
!Onlysecurethetowropeortowbaratthe the ignition lock
towingeyes,orthetrailertowhitch,ifavail-Rcannotrelease the electric parking brake
able.Youcouldotherwisedamagethevehi-Rcannotshift the automatic transmission to
cle. position N
!Donotusethetrailertowhitchforrecov-Disarm the automatic locking feature before
eryortowing.Donotusethetowingeyeforthe vehicle is towed (Y page 90). You could
recovery. this could damage the vehicle. Ifotherwise be locked out when pushing or
in doubt, have the vehicle recovered usingtowing the vehicle.
a crane.
!Whentowing,pullawayslowlyand Installing/removing the towing eye
smoothly. If the tractive power is too high,
the vehicles could be damaged. Installing the towing eye
assistancedonotopenthedriver's or front passeng-
n er's door during towing. The automatic
transmission may otherwise shift to posi-
tion P, which could damage the transmis-
This could damage the vehicle.
30miles (50km). The towing speed of
If the vehicle has to be towed more than
raised and transported.
It is better to have the vehicle transportedThe brackets for the screw-in towing eye are
than to have it towed away. located in the bumpers. They are at the front
If the vehicle has suffered transmission dam-and at the rear under covers :.
age, have it transported on a transporter orVehicleswithatrailertowhitchdonothavea
trailer. bracket for the screw-in towing eye at the
The automatic transmission must be in posi-back. Connect the towbar to the trailer tow
tion N when the vehicle is being towed. If thehitch (Y page 228).
automatic transmission cannot be shifted to
position N, have the vehicle transported on a
transporter or trailer.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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