owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Flat tire 357
MOExtendedtires(tires with run-flatWhenreplacing one or all tires, please
properties) observe the following specifications for your
General notes vehicle's tires:
With MOExtended tires (tires with run flatRthetypeand
characteristics), you can continue to driveRthe"MOExtended"mark
your vehicle even if there is a total loss ofIf a tire has gone flat and cannot be replaced
pressure in one or more tires. The affectedwith a MOExtended tire, a standard tire may
tiremustnotshowanyclearlyvisibledamage.be used as a temporary measure. Make sure
Youcanrecognize MOExtended tires by thethat you use the proper size and type (sum-
MOExtendedmarkingwhichappearsonthe merorwinter tire).
sidewall of the tire. You will find this markingVehiclesequippedwithMOExtendedtiresare
next to the tire size designation, the load-notequippedwithaTIREFITkitatthefactory.
bearing capacity and the speed indexIt is therefore recommended that you addi-e
( tionally equip your vehicle with a TIREFIT kit if
MOExtendedtires may only be used in con-you mount tires that do not feature run-flat
junction with an active tire pressure monitor.properties,e.g.wintertires.ATIREFITkitmay
If a pressure loss warning message be obtained from a qualified specialist work-assistanc
appears in the multifunction display:shop. n
Robservetheinstructionsinthedisplaymes-Important safety notes
sages (Y page 285).
Rcheckthetire for damage. GWARNING akdow
Rif driving on, observe the following notes.Whendrivinginemergencymode,thedrivingBre
Thedrivingdistancepossibleinrun-flatmodecharacteristics deteriorate, e.g. when corner-
is approximately 50 miles (80 km) when theing, accelerating quickly and when braking.
vehicle is partially laden. When the vehicle isThere is a risk of an accident.
fully laden it is approximately 19 milesDonotexceedthestatedmaximumspeed.
(30 km). Avoidabruptsteeringanddrivingmaneuvers,
In addition to the vehicle load, the driving dis-and driving over obstacles (curbs, potholes,
tance possible depends upon: off-road). This applies in particular to a laden
Rvehicle speed vehicle.
Rroadcondition Stop driving in emergency mode if:
Routside temperature Ryouhearbangingnoises.
Thedrivingdistancepossibleinrun-flatmodeRthevehicle starts to shake.
maybereducedbyextremedrivingcondi- Ryouseesmokeandsmellrubber.
tions or maneuvers, or it can be increasedR ®
through a moderate style of driving. ESP isintervening constantly.
Thedrivingdistancepossibleinrun-flatmodeRtherearetears in the sidewalls of the tire.
is countedfromthemomentthetirepressureAfter driving in emergency mode, have the
losswarningappearsinthemultifunctiondis-wheel rims checked at a qualified specialist
play. workshopwithregardtotheirfurtheruse.The
Youmustnotexceedamaximumspeedof defective tire must be replaced in every case.

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year of production from: 2015

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