owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
TheVDCsystemusesvarioussensorstomonitor● TheroadmaybeslipperyorthesystemmayThe VDC system is automatically reset to ON
driver inputs and vehicle motion. Under certaindetermine some action is required to helpwhen the ignition switch is placed in the OFF
driving conditions, the VDC system helps to per-keep the vehicle on the steered path.position then back to the ON position.
form the following functions:● You may feel a pulsation in the brake pedalThe computer has a built in diagnostic feature
● Controls brake pressure to reduce wheeland hear a noise or vibration from under thethat tests the system each time you start the
slip on one slipping drive wheel so power ishood. This is normal and indicates that theengineandmovethevehicleforwardorinreverse
transferred to a non slipping drive wheel onVDCsystemisworkingproperly.at a slow speed. When the self-test occurs, you
the same axle. ● Adjust your speed and driving to the roadmayhear a clunk noise and/or feel a pulsation in
● Controls brake pressure and engine outputconditions. the brake pedal. This is normal and is not an
to reduce drive wheel slip based on vehicle indication of a malfunction.
speed (traction control function).For additional information, refer to “Slip indicator
light” and “Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) OFFWARNING
● Controlsbrakepressureatindividualwheelsindicator light” in the “Instruments and controls”● TheVDCsystemisdesignedtohelpthe
andengineoutputtohelpthedrivermaintainsection of this manual.driver maintain stability but does not
control of the vehicle in the following condi-If a malfunction occurs in the system, theprevent accidents due to abrupt steer-
tions: indicator light comes on in the instrument panel.ingoperationathighspeedsorbycare-
– understeer (vehicle tends to not followTheVDCsystemautomaticallyturnsoffwhentheless or dangerous driving techniques.
thesteeredpathdespiteincreasedsteer-indicator light is on.Reducevehiclespeedandbeespecially
ing input) TheVDCOFFswitchisusedtoturnofftheVDCcareful when driving and cornering on
slippery surfaces and always drive
– oversteer (vehicle tends to spin due tosystem. Theindicator illuminates to indi-carefully.
certain road or driving conditions)cate the VDC system is off.
The VDC system can help the driver to maintainWhen the VDC switch is used to turn off the
controlofthevehicle,butitcannotpreventlossofsystem, the VDC system still operates to prevent
vehicle control in all driving situations.one drive wheel from slipping by transferring
power to a non slipping drive wheel. The
WhentheVDCsystemoperates, theindi-indicator flashes if this occurs. All other VDC
cator in the instrument panel flashes to note thefunctions are off and theindicator will not
following: flash.
Starting and driving 5-71

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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