owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● If brake related parts such as brake● IfwheelsortiresotherthantheNISSANFREEINGAFROZENDOORLOCK
pads, rotors and calipers are notrecommended ones are used, the VDCTo prevent a door lock from freezing, apply de-
NISSANrecommendedorareextremelysystem may not operate properly andicer through the key hole. If the lock becomes
deteriorated, the VDC system may nottheindicator may flash or bothfrozen, heat the key before inserting it into the key
operate properly and both thethe and indicatorlightsmayhole, or use the remote keyless entry key fob or
and the indicator lights mayilluminate. the NISSAN Intelligent Key®.
illuminate. ● The VDC system is not a substitute forANTIFREEZE
● If engine control related parts are notwinter tires or tire chains on a snowIn the winter when it is anticipated that the tem-
NISSANrecommendedorareextremelycovered road.
deteriorated, both theand perature will drop below 32°F (0°C), check the
indicator lights may illuminate. antifreeze to assure proper winter protection. For
additional information, refer to “Engine cooling
● Whendrivingonextremelyinclinedsur- system” in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”
faces such as higher banked corners, section of this manual.
the VDC system may not operate prop- BATTERY
erlyandthe indicatormayflashor
boththe and indicator If the battery is not fully charged during extremely
lights may illuminate. Do not drive on cold weather conditions, the battery fluid may
these types of roads. freeze and damagethebattery.Tomaintainmaxi-
● When driving on an unstable surface mum efficiency, the battery should be checked
such as a turntable, ferry, elevator or regularly. For additional information, refer to “Bat-
ramp, the indicator may flash or tery”in the “Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself”sec-
boththe and indicator tion of this manual.
lights may illuminate. This is not a mal- DRAININGOFCOOLANTWATER
function. Restart the engine after driv-
ing onto a stable surface. If the vehicle is to be left outside without anti-
freeze, drain the cooling system, including the
engine block. Refill before operating the vehicle.
For additional information, refer to “Changing
Starting and driving 5-73

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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