owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
– When installing a spare tire, make WARNING WhentheABSsensesthatoneormorewheels
surethatitisthepropersizeandtype are close to locking up, the actuator rapidly ap-
as specified on the Tire and LoadingDo not pump the brake pedal. Doing soplies andreleaseshydraulicpressure.Thisaction
Information label. For additional in-mayresultinincreasedstoppingis similar to pumping the brakes very quickly. You
formation,refertothe”Tireandload-distances. mayfeelapulsationinthebrakepedalandheara
ing information label”in the “Techni-Self-test featurenoisefromunderthehoodorfeelavibrationfrom
cal and consumer information” the actuator when it is operating. This is normal
section of this manual. The ABS includes electronic sensors, electricandindicates that the ABS is operating properly.
pumps,hydraulic solenoids and a computer. TheHowever, the pulsation may indicate that road
– For additional information, refer tocomputer has a built-in diagnostic feature thatconditions are hazardous and extra care is re-
“Wheels and tires” in the “Mainte-tests the system each time you start the enginequired while driving.
nance and do-it-yourself” section of
this manual. andmovethevehicleatalowspeedinforwardorBRAKEASSIST
reverse. Whentheself-testoccurs,youmayhearWhen the force applied to the brake pedal ex-
The ABS controls the brakes so the wheels doa“clunk”noiseand/orfeelapulsationinthebrakeceedsacertainlevel,thebrakeassistisactivated
not lock during hard braking or when braking onpedal. This is normal and does not indicate agenerating greater braking force than a conven-
slippery surfaces. The system detects the rota-malfunction. If the computer senses a malfunc-tional brake booster even with light pedal force.
tion speed at each wheel and varies the braketion, it switches the ABS off and illuminates the
fluid pressure to prevent eachwheelfromlockingABSwarning light on the instrument panel. TheWARNING
andsliding. By preventing each wheel from lock-brakesystemthenoperatesnormally,butwithout
ing, the system helps the driver maintain steeringanti-lock assistance.The brake assist is only an aid to assist
control and helps to minimize swerving and spin- braking operation and is not a collision
ning on slippery surfaces. If the ABS warning light illuminates during thewarningoravoidancedevice.itisthedriv-
self-testor while driving, have the vehicleersresponsibilitytostayalert,drivesafely
Using the system checked. It is recommended you visit a NISSANandbeincontrolofthevehicleatalltimes.
Depress the brake pedal and hold it down. De-dealer for this service.
press the brake pedal with firm steady pressure,Normal operation
but do not pump the brakes. The ABS will oper-TheABSoperatesatspeedsabove3-6mph(5
ate to prevent the wheels from locking up. Steer- 10 km/h). The speed varies according to road
the vehicle to avoid obstacles.conditions.
5-70 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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