owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
FEBSYSTEMLIMITATIONS – Interference by other radar sources.
WARNING – Snow or road spray from traveling
Listedbelowarethesystemlimitationsfor– If the vehicle ahead is narrow (e.g.
the FEB system. Failure to operate themotorcycle).
vehicle in accordance with these system
limitationscouldresultinseriousinjuryor– When driving on a steep downhill
death. slope or roads with sharp curves.
● The FEB system cannot detect all ve-● In some road or traffic conditions, the
hicles under all conditions.FEB system may unexpectedly apply
● The radar sensor does not detect thepartial braking. When acceleration is
following objects: necessary, continue to depress the ac-
celerator pedal to override the system.
– Pedestrians, animals or obstacles in● Braking distances increase on slippery
the roadway. surfaces.
– Oncomingvehicles. ● Thesystemisdesignedtoautomatically
– Crossing vehicles. check the sensor’s functionality, within
● The radar sensor has some perfor-certain limitations. The system may not
mance limitations. If a stationary ve-detect some forms of obstructions of
hicle is in the vehicles’s path, the FEBthesensorareasuchasice,snow,stick-
system will not function when the ve-ers, etc. In these cases, the system may
hicle is driven at speeds over approxi-not be able to worn the driver properly.
mately 50 mph (80 km/h).Besurethat you check, clean and clear
the sensor area regularly.
● The radar sensor may not detect a ve-● Excessive noise will interfere with the
hicle ahead in the following conditions:warning chime sound, and the chime
– Dirt, ice, snow or other material cov-maynotbeheard.
ering the radar sensor.
Starting and driving 5-61

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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