owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● HEADEDUPHILLWITHCURB 2 : wheel operations that could cause the power
Turn the wheels away from the curb and steering system to overheat.
move the vehicle back until the curb side● If the engine is not running or is turnedYoumayhearasoundwhenthesteeringwheelis
wheel gently touches the curb.off while driving, the power assist foroperated quickly. However, this is not a malfunc-
the steering will not work. Steering willtion.
● HEADED UPHILL OR DOWNHILL, NObeharder to operate.
CURB 3 : If the electric power steering warning light illumi-
● Whenthepowersteering warning light
Turn the wheels toward the side of the roadilluminates with the engine running,nates while the engine is running, it may indicate
so the vehicle will move away from the cen-there will be no power assist for thethe power steering system is not functioning
ter of the road if it moves.steering. You will still have control ofproperlyandmayneedservicing.Havethepower
the vehicle, but the steering will besteeringsystemchecked.Itisrecommendedthat
4. Place the ignition switch in the LOCK posi-harder to operate. Have the poweryou visit a NISSAN dealer for this service.
tion and remove the key. steering system checked. It is recom-When the electric power steering warning light
mendedthat you visit a NISSAN dealerilluminates with the engine running, there will be
for this service. no power assist for the steering, but you will still
The power steering system is designed to pro-have control of the vehicle. At this time, greater
vide power assist while driving to operate thesteering effort is required to operate the steering
steering wheel with light force.wheel, especially in sharp turns and at low
Whenthesteering wheel is operated repeatedlyFor additional information, refer to “Power steer-
or continuously while parking or driving at a verying warning light” in the “Instruments and con-
low speed, the power assist for the steeringtrols” section of this manual.
wheel will be reduced. This is to prevent over-
it from getting damaged. While the power assist
is reduced,steeringwheeloperationwillbecome
ing systemgoesdown,thepowerassistlevelwill
return to normal. Avoid repeating such steering
5-68 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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