owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Starting and operating/Starting and stopping engine (models with push–button start system)7-13
indicator does not turn green.&Stopping engine doorsuntil the vehicle is stopped
5. While depressing the brake pedal,1. Stop the vehicle completely.in a safe location. It is dangerous
press the push-button ignition switch.2. Move the select lever to the “P”becausethesteeringlockmaybe
position. activated. Stop the vehicle in a
NOTE safe place, and contact a
3. Press the push-button ignition switch.SUBARUdealer immediately.
. While pressing the select lever but-Theenginewill stop, and the power will be
ton in, the indicator on the push-buttonswitched off.
ignition switch will not turn green even CAUTION
when the select lever is in the “P” WARNING
position. . Do not stop the engine while the
. In case the engine does not start by. Do not touch the push-buttonselect lever is in a position other
the normal engine start procedure,ignition switch during driving.than the “P” position.
move the select lever to the “P” posi- . If the engine is stopped while the
tion, and switch the power to “ACC”.When the push-button ignitionselect lever is in a position other
Depressthebrakepedal,andpresstheswitch is operated as follows,than the “P” position, the power
push-button ignition switch for at leastthe engine will stop. will be in “ACC”. If the vehicle is
15seconds.Theenginemaystart.Only– The switch is pressed and heldleft in this condition, the battery
use this engine start procedure in casefor 3 seconds or longer.may be discharged.
of emergency. – The switch is pressed briefly 3
. When the engine is not started, thetimes or more in succession.
brake pedal may feel stiff. In such aWhentheenginestops,thebrakeNOTE
case, depress the brake pedal moreboosterwill not function. A great-Although you can stop the engine by
forcefully than usual. Check that theer foot pressure will be requiredoperating the push-button ignition
operation indicator on the push-buttonon the brake pedal. switch, do not stop the engine during
ignition switch turns green, and press driving except in an emergency.
the push-button ignition switch to startThe power steering system will
the engine. not operate either. A greater & When access key does not
force will be required to steer,operate properly
and it may result in an accident.Refer to “Access key – if access key does
. Iftheenginestopsduringdriving,not operate properly” F9-17.
do not operate the push-button
ignition switch or open any of the

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year of production from: 2012

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