owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
7-16 Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
start system will power off and then RPM ! Remote start operation - fob con-
attempt to start the engine 3 additional. The security alarm is triggeredfirmation
times. The system will not attempt to. The select lever is not in the “P”Your remote engine starter fob is a
restart the engine if it determines a vehiclepositionbidirectional transceiver that can confirm
malfunction is preventing starting. If the system operation with several different
engine does not start after 3 additionalIf the system detects any door (includingvisual and audible indications. The fob’s
attempts, the remote engine start requestthe rear gate) open during operation, it willLED-backlit button and internal piezo
will be aborted. prevent starting or stop the engine, andbuzzer will indicate status of the system
! Stopping the engine sound the horn and flash side markerusing the following flash and beep se-
lights, tail lights, and parking lights 6quences, provided the fob is within opera-
Press and hold the fob button for at least 2times.tional range of the system.
seconds to stop the engine. The fob will
flash and beep three times, indicating theIn addition to the items above, if the
engine has stopped. If the stop request isvehicle’s engine management system
not received (for example, if the user is toodetermines there is a safety risk due to a
far away from the vehicle), the fob willvehicle-related problem, the vehicle will
continue to flash once every 3 seconds.power down and the horn will sound 3
The system will automatically stop thetimes.
engine after 15 minutes.NOTE
! Remote start safety features. If the alarm system is armed at the
For safety and security reasons, the timeofremoteenginestarteractivation
remote engine start system will prevent(the security indicator light on the
starting (or stop the engine if running) andcombination meter is flashing), the
soundthehorntwiceifanyofthefollowingalarm system will remain armed
conditions is detected. In addition, the fobthroughout the remote start run cycle.
will flash and beep 3 times If the alarm system is disarmed at
. The brake pedal is depressedthe time of remote engine starter
. Akey is in the ignition switchactivation (the security indicator light
. The engine hood is openon the combination meter is not flash-
. The remote start system“Service ing), the alarm system will remain
mode” is engaged disarmed throughout the remote start
. The engine idle speed exceeds 3,500run cycle.

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year of production from: 2012

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