owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Starting and operating/Fuel7-3
gasoline will not be detrimental to engine! Unleaded gasoline
durability, nor will it affect your warrantyThe neck of the fuel filler pipe is designed
coverage. However, depending on yourto accept only an unleaded gasoline filler
CAUTION driving habits and conditions, you maynozzle. Under no circumstances should
notice a decrease in maximum engineleaded gasoline be used because it will
Use of a fuel which is low in qualityperformance, fuel economy or slight en-damage the emission control system and
or use of an inappropriate fuelgine vibration or knocking. If you experi-may impair driveability and fuel economy.
additive may cause engine damage.enceanyoftheseconditionswhileusinga
lower octane rated fuel, you may want to! Gasoline for California-certified
return to using 91 AKI (95 RON) octaneLEV
&Fuel requirements rated fuel as soon as possible. Addition-If your vehicle was certified to California’s
ally, if your vehicle knocks heavily orlow emission vehicle (LEV) standards as
! Non-turbo models persistently, or if you are driving withindicated on the underhood tune-up label,
The engine is designed to operate usingheavyloadssuchaswhentowingatrailer,itis designed to optimize engine and
unleaded gasoline with an octane ratingthe use of 91 AKI (95 RON) or higheremission performance with gasoline that
of 87 AKI (90 RON) or higher. grade unleaded gasoline is required.meets the clean burning low-sulfur Cali-
! Turbo models ! Fuel octane rating fornia gasoline specifications. If you live in
The engine is designed to operate atThis octane rating is the average of theany other state than California, your
maximum performance using unleadedResearch Octane and Motor Octane vehicle will operate on gasoline meeting
gasoline with an octane rating of 93 AKInumbers and is commonly referred to asFederal specifications. Gasoline sold out-
(98 RON) or higher. If 93 AKI (98 RON)the Anti Knock Index (AKI).side California is permitted to have higher
fuel is not readily available, unleaded sulfur levels, which may affect the perfor-
Using a gasoline with a lower octanemanceofyourvehicle’scatalytic converter
gasoline with an octane rating of 91 AKIrating can cause persistent and heavyand may produce a sulfur exhaust odor or
(95 RON) or higher may be used with noknocking, which can damage the engine.smell. SUBARU recommends that you try
detriment to engine durability or driveabil-Do not be concerned if your vehicle a different brand of unleaded gasoline
ity.However, you may notice a slightsometimes knocks lightly when you drivehaving lower sulfur to determine if the
decrease in maximum engine perfor-up a hill or when you accelerate. Contactproblem is fuel related before returning
mance while using 91 AKI (95 RON) fuel.your SUBARUdealerifyouuseafuelwithyour vehicle to an authorized dealer for
Regular unleaded gasoline with an octanethe specified octane rating and your service.
rating of 87 AKI (90 RON) or higher mayvehicle knocks heavily or persistently.
also be used. Using regular unleaded

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year of production from: 2012

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