owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
7-10 Starting and operating/Starting and stopping the engine (models without push–button ignition switch)
. On rare occasions, transient knock-following.! CVTmodels
ing maybeheardfromtheenginewhen(1) Turn the ignition switch to the1. Apply the parking brake.
the accelerator is operated rapidly“OFF” position and wait for at least2. Turn off unnecessary lights and ac-
such as a rapid start-up and a rapid10 seconds. After checking that thecessories.
acceleration. This is not a malfunction.parking brake is firmly set, turn the3. Shift the select lever to the “P” or “N”
. The engine starts more easily whenignition switch to the “START” positionposition (preferably the “P” position).
the headlights, air conditioner and rearwhile depressing the accelerator pedalThe starter motor will only operate when
window defogger are turned off.slightly (approximately a quarter of thethe select lever is at the “P” or “N” position.
. After the engine starts, the enginefull stroke). Release the accelerator4. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON”
speedwill be kept high until the enginepedal as soon as the engine starts.position and check the operation of the
has warmed up sufficiently.(2) If this fails to start the engine, turnwarning and indicator lights. Refer to
! MTmodels the ignition switch back to the “OFF”“Warning and indicator lights” F3-11.
position and wait for at least 105. Turn the ignition switch to the “START”
1. Apply the parking brake.seconds. Then fully depress the accel-position without depressing the accelera-
2. Turn off unnecessary lights and ac-erator pedal and turn the ignitiontor pedal. Release the key immediately
cessories. switch to the “START” position. If theafter the engine has started.
3. Depress the clutch pedal to the floorengine starts, quickly release the
and shift the shift lever into neutral. Holdaccelerator pedal.Ifthe engine does not start, try the
the clutch pedal to the floor while starting(3) If this fails to start the engine, turnfollowing.
the engine. the ignition switch again to the “OFF”(1) Turn the ignition switch to the
The starter motor will only operate whenposition. After waiting for 10 seconds“OFF” position and wait for at least
the clutch pedal is depressed fully to theor longer, turn the ignition switch to the10 seconds. After checking that the
floor. “START” position without depressingparking brake is firmly set, turn the
4. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON”the accelerator pedal.ignition switch to the “START” position
position and check the operation of the(4) If the engine still refuses to start,while depressing the accelerator pedal
warning and indicator lights. Refer tocontact your nearest SUBARU dealerslightly (approximately a quarter of the
“Warning and indicator lights” F3-11.for assistance.full stroke). Release the accelerator
5. Turn the ignition switch to the “START”6. Confirm that all warning and indicatorpedal as soon as the engine starts.
position without depressing the accelera-lights have turned off after the engine has(2) If this fails to start the engine, turn
tor pedal. Release the key immediatelystarted. The fuel injection system auto-the ignition switch back to the “OFF”
after the engine has started.matically lowers the idle speed as theposition and wait for at least 10
Ifthe engine does not start, try the engine warms up.seconds. Then fully depress the accel-

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year of production from: 2012

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