owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Follow these easy-to-use Fuel Efficient Driving● Above 40 mph (64 km/h), it is more effi-6. Plan for the Shortest Route
Tips to help you achieve the most fuel economycienttouseA/Ctocoolthevehicledueto● Utilize a map or navigation system to de-
from your vehicle. increased aerodynamic dragtermine the best route to save time
1. Use Smooth Accelerator and Brake● Recirculating the cool air in the cabin7. Avoid Idling
Pedal Application whentheA/Cisonreducescoolingload
● Avoid rapid starts and stops4. Drive at Economical Speeds and Dis-● Shutting off your engine when safe for
tances stops exceeding 30–60 seconds saves
● Use smooth, gentle accelerator and fuel and reduces emissions
brake application whenever possible● Observing the speed limit and not ex-8. Buy an Automated Pass for Toll Roads
● Maintain constant speed while commut-ceeding60mph(97km/h)(wherelegally
ing and coast whenever possibleallowed) can improve fuel efficiency due● Automated passes permit drivers to use
to reduced aerodynamic dragspecial lanes to maintain cruising speed
2. Maintain Constant Speed● Maintaining a safe following distance be-through the toll and avoid stopping and
● Lookaheadtotryandanticipateandmini-hind other vehicles reduces unnecessarystarting
mize stops braking 9. Winter Warm Up
● Synchronizing your speed with traffic● Safely monitoring traffic to anticipate● Limitidling time to minimize impact to fuel
lights allows you to reduce your numberchanges in speed permits reduced brak-economy
of stops ing and smooth acceleration changes● Vehicles typically need no more than
● Maintaining a steady speed can minimize● Select a gear range suitable to road con-30secondsofidling at start-up to effec-
redlightstopsandimprovefuelefficiencyditions tively circulate the engine oil before driv-
3. Use Air Conditioning (A/C) at Higher5. Use Cruise Controling
Vehicle Speeds ● Usingcruise control during highway driv-● Your vehicle will reach its ideal operating
● Below 40 mph (64 km/h), it is more effi-ing helps maintain a steady speedtemperature more quickly while driving
cient to open windowstocoolthevehicle versus idling
due to reduced engine load● Cruise control is particularly effective in
Starting and driving 5-65

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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