owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
To back up, lift up on the shift lever ring 1 and
● Do not shift to the N (Neutral) position
while driving. Doing so may result in an then move it to the R (Reverse) position after
accident due to loss of engine braking. stopping the vehicle completely.
Theshift lever ring 1 returns to its original posi-
tion when the shift lever is moved to the N (Neu-
● Donotrestyourfootontheclutchpedal tral) position.
while driving. This may cause clutch Ifitis difficult to move the shift lever into R
damage. (Reverse) or 1 (1st), shift into N (Neutral), then
● Fully depress the clutch pedal before release the clutch pedal. Depress the clutch
shifting to help prevent transmission pedal again and shift into R (Reverse) or 1 (1st).
damage. Suggested up-shift speeds
● Stop your vehicle completely before
shifting into R (Reverse). SSD0552The following are suggested vehicle speeds for
● When the vehicle is stopped with theShifting shifting into a higher gear. These suggestions
engine running (for example, at a stop relate to fuel economy and vehicle performance.
light), shift to N (Neutral) and releaseTo change gears or when upshifting or down-Actual upshift speeds will vary according to road
the clutch pedal with the foot brakeshifting, depress the clutch pedal fully, shift intoconditions, the weather and individual driving
applied. the appropriate gear, then release the clutchhabits.
● Do not shift to the N (Neutral) positionslowly and smoothly. GEARCHANGE mph(km/h)
while driving. Doing so may result in anTo ensure smooth gear changes, fully depress1st to 2nd8(13)
accident due to loss of engine braking.theclutchpedalbeforeoperatingtheshiftlever.If2ndto3rd17(27)
the clutch pedal is not fully depressed before the3rd to 4th25(40)
transmission is shifted, a gear noise may be4th to 5th36(58)
heard. Transmission damage may occur.5th to 6th 51(82)
Start the vehicle in 1st gear and shift to 2nd, 3rd,
to vehicle speed.
5-20 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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