owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
To move the shift lever, complete the followingWARNING backtotheONposition.Thevehicleshould
procedure: return to its normal operating condition. If
1. Press the ignition switch to the LOCK posi-If the shift lever cannot bemovedfromtheit does not return to its normal operating
tion. P(Park) position while the engine is run-condition, have the transmission checked
ningandthebrakepedalisdepressed,theand repaired, if necessary. It is recom-
2. Apply the parking brake. stop lights may not work. Malfunctioningmendedyouvisit a NISSAN dealer for this
stop lights could cause an accident injur-service.
3. Usingaprotectiveclothonthetipofa3mm ing yourself and others.
screwdriver, remove the shift lock releaseAccelerator downshift WARNING
● If available, a plastic trim tool can also be—inD(Drive)position —When the high fluid temperature protec-
used. tion mode or fail-safe operation occurs,
For passing or hill climbing, depress the accel-vehicle speed may be gradually reduced.
4. Insert the small screwdriver in the shift lockerator pedal to the floor. This shifts the transmis-The reduced speed may be lower than
release slot and push down.sion down into a lower gear, depending on theother traffic, which could increase the
vehicle speed. chanceofacollision.Beespeciallycareful
5. Move the shift lever to the N (Neutral) posi-Fail-safe whendriving.Ifnecessary,pulltotheside
tion while holding down the shift lock re- of the road at a safe place and allow the
lease. If the vehicle is driven under extreme con-transmission to return to normal opera-
6. Push the ignition switch to the ON positionditions, such as excessive wheel spinningtion, or have it repaired if necessary.
to unlock the steering wheel. Now the ve-andsubsequenthardbraking, the fail-safeMANUALTRANSMISSION(ifso
hicle may be moved to the desired location.system may be activated. The Malfunctionequipped)
If the shift lever cannot be moved out of P (Park),Indicator Light (MIL) may come on to indi-
cate the fail-safe mode is activated. ForWARNING
have the transmission checked as soon as pos-additional information, refer to “Malfunc-
sible. It is recommended you visit a NISSANtion Indicator Light (MIL)” in the “Instru-● Do not downshift abruptly on slippery
dealer for this service. mentandcontrols”section of this manual.roads. This may cause a loss of control.
This will occur even if all electrical circuits● Do not over-rev the engine when shift-
arefunctioningproperly.Inthiscase,placeing to a lower gear. This may cause a
the ignition switch in the OFF position andloss of control or engine damage.
wait for 10 seconds. Then push the switch
Starting and driving 5-19

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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