owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Use the P (Park) shift lever position when theD(Drive)
vehicle is parked or when starting the engine.Usethis position for all normal forward driving.
Make sure the vehicle is completely stopped.
The brake pedal must be depressed andL (Low)
theshiftleverbuttonpushedintomovetheUsethis position for maximum engine braking on
shift lever from N (Neutral) or any drivesteep downhill gradients/climbing steep slopes
position to P (Park). Apply the parking brake.andwheneverapproachingsharpbends.Donot
When parking on a hill, apply the parking brakeuse the L (Low) position in any other circum-
first, then place the shift lever into the P (Park)stances.
To prevent transmission damage, use the LSD2569
R(Reverse)positiononlywhenthevehicle Shift lock release
is completely stopped. If the battery charge is low or discharged, the
Use the R (Reverse) position to back up. Make shift lever may not be moved from the P (Park)
sure the vehicle is completely stopped before position even with the brake pedal depressed
selecting R (Reverse) position. The brake and the shift lever button pressed.
pedalmustbedepressedandtheshiftlever It will be necessary to jump start or have your
button pushed in to move the shift lever battery charged. For additional information, refer
from P (Park), N (Neutral) or any drive po- to “Jump starting” in the “In case of emergency”
sition to R (Reverse). section of this manual. Contact a NISSAN dealer
N(Neutral) or a professional towing service.
engine can be started in this position. You may
shift to N (Neutral) and restart a stalled engine
while the vehicle is moving.
5-18 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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