owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
The ECO mode will turn off automatically if a NOTE:
malfunction occurs in the system. ● The shift indicator is a guide for fuel
TurnofftheECOmode,ordepresstheaccelera- economy.Alwayspayattentiontoroadcon-
tor pedal fully when: ditions and other traffic.
● driving with a heavy load of passengers or ● Downshift indicator icon to the “1”(1st) po-
cargo in the vehicle sition is not displayed.
● driving on a steep uphill slope ● If the downshifting icon is displayed when
● ECOmodemayaffectairconditionerperfor- decreasing your vehicle speed, it indicates
mance that the engine speed is low compared to
the gear position.
Selectingthisdrivemodewillnotnecessar- LSD2143
ily improve fuel economy as many driving
factors influence its effectiveness.SHIFT LEVERINDICATOR(Manual
transmission only)
The shift lever indicator is used to support the
suitable timing of gear change. It operates only
The shift indicator icon and recommended gear
position are displayed.
Theshift indicator icon indicates when to upshift
or downshift for fuel economy.
Starting and driving 5-23

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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