owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
so equipped)
In order for the steering wheel to be locked, itNISSANVEHICLEIMMOBILIZER
must be turned about 1/8 of a turn clockwiseSYSTEM
from the straight up position.
To lock the steering wheel, turn the key toTheNISSANVehicleImmobilizerSystemwillnot
the LOCK position. Remove the key. Toallow the engine to start without the use of the
unlock the steering wheel, insert the keyregistered key.
and turn it gently while rotating the steer-If the engine fails to start using a registered key
ing wheel slightly right and left.(for example, when interference is caused by
IGNITION SWITCHPOSITIONS another registered key, an automated toll road
device or automatic payment device on the key
LOCK:Normalparking position (0) ring), restart the engine using the following pro-
OFF:(1) 1. Leave the ignition switch in the ON position
Theenginecanbeturnedoffwithoutlocking thefor approximately 5 seconds. LSD2014
steering wheel. 2. Place the ignition switch in the OFF or
ACC:(Accessories) (2) LOCK position, and wait approximately WARNING
This position activates electrical accessories10seconds. Do not operate the push-button ignition
suchastheradiowhentheengineisnotrunning.3. Repeat steps 1 and 2.switch while driving the vehicle except in
ON:Normaloperating position (3) 4. Restart the engine while holding the devicethe ignition switch is pushed 3 consecu-
This position turns on the ignition system and the(which may have caused the interference)tive times in quick succession or the igni-
electrical accessories. separate from the registered key.tion switch is pushed and held for more
If the no start condition re-occurs, NISSAN rec-than 2 seconds.) If the engine stops while
START: (4) ommends placing the registered key on a sepa-the vehicle is being driven, this could lead
This position starts the engine. As soon as therate key ring to avoid interference from otherto a crash and serious injury.
engine has started, release the key. It automati-devices.
cally returns to the ON position.
5-10 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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