owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
IGNITION SWITCH (if so equipped)
The following actions can increase theDRIVING ● Never remove or turn the key to the
chance of losing control of the vehicle ifWARNING LOCKposition while driving. The steer-
there is a sudden loss of tire air pressure. ing wheel will lock (for models with a
Losing control of the vehicle may cause aNeverdriveundertheinfluenceofalcoholsteering lock mechanism). This may
collision and result in personal injury.or drugs. Alcohol in the bloodstream re-cause the driver to lose control of the
● The vehicle generally moves or pulls induces coordination, delays reaction timevehicle and could result in serious ve-
the direction of the flat tire.and impairs judgement. Driving afterhicle damage or personal injury.
● Donotrapidly apply the brakes.drinking alcohol increases the likelihood● Never place the ignition switch in the
● Do not rapidly release the acceleratorof being involved in an accident injuringLOCKposition while driving. The steer-
pedal. yourself and others. Additionally, if youing wheel will lock (for models with a
are injured in an accident, alcohol cansteering lock mechanism). This may
● Donotrapidly turn the steering wheel.increase the severity of the injury.cause the driver to lose control of the
1. Remain calm and do not overreact.NISSAN is committed to safe driving. However,vehicle and could result in serious ve-
youmustchoosenottodriveundertheinfluencehicle damage or personal injury.
2. Maintainafirmgriponthesteeringwheelwithof alcohol. Every year thousands of people are
both hands and try to hold a straight course.injured or killed in alcohol-related collisions. Al-
3. Whenappropriate,slowlyreleasetheaccel-though the local laws vary on what is considered
erator pedal to gradually slow the vehicle.to be legally intoxicated, the fact is that alcohol
4. Graduallysteerthevehicletoasafelocationaffects all people differently and most people
off the road and away from traffic if possible.underestimate the effects of alcohol.
5. Lightly apply the brake pedal to graduallyRemember,drinkinganddrivingdon’tmix!Thatis
stop the vehicle. true for drugs (over-the-counter, prescription)
and illegal drugs too. Don’t drive if your ability to
6. Turn on the hazard warning flashers andoperate your vehicle is impaired by alcohol,
contact a roadside emergency service todrugs, or some other physical condition.
change the tire. For additional information,
refer to “Changing a flat tire” in the “In case
of emergency”section of this manual.
5-8 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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