owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
NISSANIntelligent Key® system)
1. Apply the parking brake.● If the engine is very hard to start in ex-
CAUTION tremely cold weather or when restarting,
Do not operate the starter for more than2. Continuously Variable Transmission:depresstheacceleratorpedalalittle (ap-
15 seconds at a time. If the engine doesMove the shift lever to P (Park) or N (Neu-proximately 1/3 to the floor) and while
notstart,turntheignitionswitchtooffandtral). P (Park) is recommended.holding, crank the engine. Release the
wait 10 seconds before cranking again,Thestarterisdesignednottooperateifaccelerator pedal whentheenginestarts.
otherwise the starter could be damaged.the shift lever is in any of the driving● If the engine is very hard to start because
4. Warm-up positions. itis flooded, depress the accelerator
Allow the engine to idle for at least 30 sec-ManualTransmission:pedal all the way to the floor and hold it.
onds after starting. Do not race the engine Push the ignition switch to the ON posi-
while warming it up. Drive at moderateMovetheshift lever to N (Neutral). Depresstiontostartcrankingtheengine.After5or
speedforashortdistancefirst, especially inthe clutch pedal to the floor.6seconds, stop cranking by pushing the
cold weather. The starter is designed not to operateignition switch to LOCK. After cranking
unless the clutch pedal is fully de-theengine,releasetheacceleratorpedal.
NOTE: pressed. Crank the engine with your foot off the
accelerator pedal by depressing the
Care should be taken to avoid situations3. Push the ignition switch to the ON position.brakepedalandpushingthepush-button
that can lead to potential battery dischargeDepress the brake pedal and the clutchignition switch to start the engine. If the
andpotential no-start conditions such as:pedal (if so equipped) and push the ignitionengine starts, but fails to run, repeat the
1. Installation or extended use of electronicswitch to start the engine.above procedure.
accessories that consume battery powerTo start the engine immediately, push andCAUTION
whentheengineisnotrunning(Phonechar-release the ignition switch while depressing
gers, GPS, DVD players, etc.)the brake pedal with the ignition switch inDo not operate the starter for more than
2. Vehicle is not driven regularly and/or onlyany position.15 seconds at a time. If the engine does
driven short distances. not start, push the ignition switch to the
OFFposition and wait 10 seconds before
In these cases, the battery may need to be cranking again, otherwise the starter
charged to maintain battery health. could be damaged.
Starting and driving 5-15

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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