owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● SincethesparetireisnotequippedwithSomeexamplesare:
● Radio waves could adversely affecttheTPMS,whenasparetireismounted– Facilitiesorelectricdevicesusingsimilarradio
electric medical equipment. Those whoor a wheel is replaced, the TPMS willfrequencies are near the vehicle.
use a pacemaker should contact thenot function and the low tire pressure
electric medical equipment manufac-warning light will flash for approxi-– If a transmitter set to similar frequencies is
turer for the possible influences beforemately 1 minute. The light will remainbeing used in or near the vehicle.
use. on after 1 minute. Have your tires re-– If a computer (or similar equipment) or a
placed and/or TPMS reset as soon asDC/ACconverter is being used in or near the
● If the low tire pressure warning lightpossible. It is recommended you visit avehicle.
illuminates while driving, avoid suddenNISSANdealerforthis service.
steering maneuvers or abrupt braking,● ReplacingtireswiththosenotoriginallyLowtire pressure warning light may illuminate in
reduce vehicle speed, pull off the roadspecified by NISSAN could affect thethe following cases.
to a safe location and stop the vehicleproper operation of the TPMS.● If the vehicle is equipped with a wheel and
inflated tires may permanently damage● Do not inject any tire liquid or aerosoltire without TPMS.
the tires and increase the likelihood oftire sealant into the tires, as this may● If the TPMS has been replaced and the ID
tire failure. Serious vehicle damagecauseamalfunctionofthetirepressurehas not been registered.
andcouldresult in serious personal in- ● If the wheel is not originally specified by
jury. Check the tire pressure for all fourCAUTIONNISSAN.
tires. Adjust the tire pressure to theDo not place metalized film or any metalFCCNotice:
recommended COLD tire pressureparts (antenna, etc.) on the windows. This
shownontheTireandLoadingInforma-may cause poor reception of the signalsFor USA:
tion label to turn the low tire pressurefrom the tire pressure sensors, and the
warninglightOFF.Ifyouhaveaflattire, This device complies with Part 15 of the
replace it with a spare tire as soon asTPMSwillnotfunction properly.FCCRules. Operation is subject to the fol-
possible. (For additional information,Some devices and transmitters may temporarilylowing two conditions: (1) This device may
refer to “Flat tire” in the “In case ofinterfere with the operation of the TPMS andnotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)this
emergency”section for changing a flatcause the low tire pressure warning light to illu-device must accept any interference re-
tire.) minate. ceived, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Starting and driving 5-5

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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