owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Be alert and drive defensively at all times. ObeyOFF-ROADRECOVERY● If you decide that it is not safe to return the
all traffic regulations. Avoid excessive speed,While driving, the right side or left side wheelsvehicletotheroadsurfacebasedonvehicle,
high speed cornering, or sudden steering ma- road or traffic conditions, gradually slow the
neuvers, because these driving practices couldmayunintentionally leave the road surface. If thisvehicle to a stop in a safe place off the road.
cause you to lose control of your vehicle.occurs, maintain control of the vehicle by follow-
As with any vehicle, loss of control coulding the procedure below. Please note that thisRAPIDAIRPRESSURELOSS
result in a collision with other vehicles orprocedure is only a general guide. The vehicleRapidairpressurelossora“blow-out”canoccur
objects or cause the vehicle to roll over,mustbedrivenasappropriatebasedonthecon-if the tire is punctured or is damaged due to
particularly if the loss of control causes theditions of the vehicle, road and traffic.hitting a curb or pothole. Rapid air pressure loss
vehicle to slide sideways. 1. Remain calm and do not overreact.can also be caused by driving on under-inflated
Be attentive at all times, and avoid driving when2. Do not apply the brakes.tires.
tired. Never drive when under the influence of Rapid air pressure loss can affect the handling
alcohol or drugs (including prescription or over-3. Maintain a firm grip on the steering wheeland stability of the vehicle, especially at highway
the-counter drugs which may cause drowsi-with both hands and try to hold a straightspeeds.
ness). Always wear your seat belt as outlined incourse.
the “Safety – Seats, seat belts and supplemental4. Whenappropriate,slowlyreleasetheaccel-Helpprevent rapid air pressure loss by maintain-
restraint system”section of this manual, and alsoerator pedal to gradually slow the vehicle.ing the correct air pressure and visually inspect
instruct your passengers to do so. the tires for wear and damage. For additional
Seat belts help reduce the risk of injury in colli-5. If there is nothing in the way, steer the ve-information, refer to “Wheels and tires” in the
sions and rollovers. In a rollover crash, anhicle to follow the road while vehicle speed“Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section of this
unbelted or improperly belted person isis reduced. Do not attempt to drive the ve-manual. If a tire rapidly loses air pressure or
significantly more likely to be injured orhicle backontotheroadsurfaceuntilvehicle“blows-out”while driving, maintain control of the
killed than a person properly wearing aspeed is reduced.vehicle by following the procedure below. Please
seat belt. 6. When it is safe to do so, gradually turn thenote that this procedure is only a general guide.
steering wheel until both tires return to theThevehicle must be driven as appropriate based
road surface. When all tires are on the roadon the conditions of the vehicle, road and traffic.
surface, steer the vehicle to stay in the ap-
propriate driving lane.
Starting and driving 5-7

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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