owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Additional information:● The CHECK TIRE PRES warning message● Tire pressure rises and falls depending on
● Sincethesparetireisnotequippedwiththeis displayed in the odometer when the lowthe heat caused by the vehicle’s operation
TPMS, the TPMS does not monitor the tiretire pressure warning light is illuminated andandtheoutsidetemperature. Do not reduce
pressure of the spare tire.low tire pressure is detected. The CHECKthe tire pressure after driving because the
TIREPRESwarningmessageturnsoffwhentire pressure rises after driving. Low outside
● TheTPMSwillactivateonlywhenthevehiclethe low tire pressure warning light turns off.temperature can lower the temperature of
is driven at speedsabove16mph(25km/h).The low tire pressure warning light remainsthe air inside the tire which can cause a
Also, this system may not detect a suddenilluminated until the tires are inflated to thelower tire inflation pressure. This may cause
drop in tire pressure (for example a flat tirerecommended COLD tire pressure. Thethe low tire pressure warning light to illumi-
while driving). CHECK TIRE PRES warning message isnate. If the warning light illuminates, check
displayed each time the ignition switch isthe tire pressure for all four tires.
● ThelowtirepressurewarninglightdoesnotplacedintheONpositionaslongasthelow● TheTireandLoadingInformationlabel (also
automatically turn off when the tire pressuretire pressure warning light remains illumi-referred to as the vehicle placard or tire
of all your tires are adjusted. After the tiresnated. For additional information, refer toinflation pressure label) is located in the
are inflated to the recommended pressure,“Check tire pressure warning message” indriver’s door opening.
the vehicle must be driven at speeds abovethe“Instrumentsandcontrols”sectionofthis
16mph(25km/h)toactivatetheTPMSandmanual. Foradditionalinformation,referto“Lowtirepres-
turn off the low tire pressure warning light.sure warning light” in the “Instruments and con-
Use a tire pressure gauge to check the tire● TheCHECKTIREPRESwarningisnotdis-trols”section and “Tire Pressure Monitoring Sys-
pressure. played if the low tire pressure warning lighttem (TPMS)” in the “In case of emergency”
illuminates to indicate a TPMS malfunction.section of this manual.
5-4 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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