owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
without NISSAN Intelligent Key®
NISSANVEHICLEIMMOBILIZER ● Make sure the area around the vehicle is1. Apply the parking brake.
SYSTEM clear. 2. Move the shift lever to P (Park) or N (Neu-
The NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer system will not● Check fluid levels such as engine oil, cool-tral). P (Park) is recommended.
allow the engine to start without the use of theant, brake fluid, and windshield-washer fluidTheshift lever cannot be moved out of
registered key. as frequently as possible, or at least when-P(Park) and into any of the other gear
ever you refuel. positionsiftheignitionkeyisturnedto
If the engine fails to start using a registered key● Checkthatallwindowsandlightsareclean.the OFF position or if the key is re-
(for example, when interference is caused by movedfromtheignition switch.
another registered key, an automated toll road● Visually inspect tires for their appearance
device or automatic payment device on the keyand condition. Also check tires for properThestarterisdesignednottooperateif
ring), restart the engine using the following pro-inflation. the shift lever is in any of the driving
cedure: ● Checkthatall doors are closed.positions.
1. Leave the ignition switch in the ON position● Positionseatandadjusthead3. Crank the engine with your foot off the
for approximately 5 seconds. restraints/headrests. accelerator pedal by turning the ignition
2. Place the ignition switch in the OFF or key to START. Release the key when the
LOCK position, and wait approximately● Adjust inside and outside mirrors.enginestarts. If the engine starts, but fails to
10seconds. ● Fasten seat belts and ask all passengers torun, repeat the above procedure.
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2. dolikewise. ● If the engine is very hard to start in ex-
● Checktheoperation of warning lights whentremely cold weather or when restarting,
4. Restart the engine while holding the devicethe ignition switch is placed in the ON posi-depresstheacceleratorpedalalittle (ap-
(which may have caused the interference)tion. For additional information, refer toproximately 1/3 to the floor) and hold it
separate from the registered key.“Warning/indicator lights and audible re-and then crank the engine. Release the
If the no start condition re-occurs, NISSAN rec-minders” in the “Instruments and controls”key and the accelerator pedal when the
ommends placing the registered key on a sepa-section of this manual.engine starts.
rate key ring to avoid interference from other
Starting and driving 5-15

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year of production from: 2013

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