owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
The operating range of the engine start functionONhasabattery saver feature that will turn the
is inside of the vehicle 1 . ignition switch to the OFF position, if the vehicle
● The luggage area is not included in the op-is not running, after some time under the follow-
erating range, but the Intelligent Key maying conditions:
function. ● all doors are closed.
● If the Intelligent Key is placed on the instru-● shift lever is in P (Park).
mentpanel,insidetheglovebox,storagebinThe battery saver feature will be cancelled if any
or door pocket, the Intelligent Key may notof the following occur:
function. ● anydoorisopened.
● If the Intelligent Key is placed near the door● shift lever is moved out of the P (Park) posi-
Key may function.
LSD2020 PUSH-BUTTONIGNITIONSWITCH ● ignition switch changes position.
The Intelligent Key functions can only be usedLOCK(Normalparkingposition):Donotleave the vehicle with the ignition
when the Intelligent Key is within the specified switchintheONpositionwhentheengine
operating range. The ignition switch can only be locked in thisis notrunningforanextendedperiod.This
When the Intelligent Key battery is almost dis-position. can discharge the battery.
charged or strong radio waves are present nearThe ignition switch will lock when any door isOFF:
the operating location, the Intelligent Key sys-opened or closed with the ignition switched off.
tem’s operating range becomes narrower andON(Normaloperatingposition):The ignition switch is in the OFF position when
maynotfunction properly. the engine is turned off using the ignition switch.
This position turns on the ignition system andNolights will illuminate on the ignition switch.
If the Intelligent Key is within the operating range,electrical accessories.
it is possibleforanyone,evensomeonewhodoes
not carry the Intelligent Key, to push the ignition
switch to start the engine.
Starting and driving 5-13

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year of production from: 2013

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