owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
NOTE: Perform the following steps to enable or disable
The Blind Spot indicator lights will illumi-the BSWsystem:
nate for a few seconds when the ignition1. Press thebutton until “Settings” dis-
switch is placed in the ON position.plays in the vehicle information display. Use
The brightness of the Blind Spot indicator lightstheto select “Driver Assistance”.
isadjusted automatically depending on theThen press the ENTER button.
brightness of the ambient light. 2. Select “Driving Aids”, and press the ENTER
A chime sounds if the camera unit has alreadybutton.
detected vehicles when the driver activates the3. To set the BSW system to on or off, use
turn signal. If a vehicle comes into the detection
zoneafterthedriveractivatestheturnsignal,thenthebuttons to navigate in the menu
only the Blind Spot indicator light flashes and noand use the ENTER button to select or
SSD1026chimesounds.Foradditionalinformation,refertochange an item:
“BSWdriving situations”in this section.● Select“BlindSpot”andpresstheENTER
Detection zone Turning on or off the BSW system button.
The camera unit can detect vehicles on eitherThe BSW system is turned on or off using the● To turn on the warning, use the ENTER
side of your vehicle when part of another vehiclesettings menu in the vehicle information display.buttontocheckboxfor“Warning(BSW)”
is within the detection zone shown as illustrated.
This detection zone typically starts from the out-SYSTEMON: WARNING
side mirror of your vehicle and extends approxi-The BSW indicator in the vehicle information
mately 10 ft (3.0 m) behind the rear bumper, anddisplay will appear.● The camera unit may not be able to
approximately 10 ft (3.0 m) sideways.SYSTEMOFF: detect whencertainobjectsarepresent
The BSW indicator in the vehicle informationsuch as:
display will disappear. – Pedestrians, bicycles, animals
– Sometypesofsmallvehiclessuchas
motorcycles, and very short length
Starting and driving 5-25

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year of production from: 2013

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