owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
the accelerator pedal by depressing theNOTE: CONTINUOUSLYVARIABLE
brakepedalandpushingthepush-buttonCare should be taken to avoid situationsTRANSMISSION(CVT)
ignition switch to start the engine. If thethat can lead to potential battery discharge
engine starts, but fails to run, repeat theandpotential no-start conditions such as:TheContinuouslyVariableTransmission(CVT)in
above procedure. your vehicle is electronically controlled to pro-
1. Installation or extended use of electronicduce maximum power and smooth operation.
CAUTION accessories that consume battery powerTherecommendedoperatingproceduresforthis
Do not operate the starter for more thanwhentheengineisnotrunning(Phonechar-transmission are shown on the following pages.
15 seconds at a time. If the engine doesgers, GPS, DVD players, etc.)Follow these procedures for maximum vehicle
not start, push the ignition switch to the2. Vehicle is not driven regularly and/or onlyperformance and driving enjoyment.
OFFposition and wait 10 seconds beforedriven short distances. In these cases, theEngine power may be automatically re-
cranking again, otherwise the starterbattery may need to be charged to maintainduced to protect the CVT if the engine
could be damaged. battery health. speed increases quickly when driving on
4. Warm-up slippery roads or while being tested on
Allow the engine to idle for at least 30 sec- Starting the vehicle
onds after starting. Do not race the engine
while warming it up. Drive at moderate 1. After starting the engine, fully depress the
speedforashortdistancefirst, especially in foot brake pedal before moving the shift
cold weather. In cold weather, keep the en- lever out of the P (Park) position.
gine running for a minimum of two to three This CVT is designed so that the foot
minutes before shutting it off. Starting and brakepedalmustbedepressedbefore
stopping the engine over a short period of shifting from P (Park) to any driving
time may make the vehicle more difficult to position while the ignition switch is in
start. the ON position.
5. To stop the engine, shift the shift lever into Theshift lever cannot be moved out of
the P (Park) position and push the ignition the P (Park) position and into any of
the other positions if the ignition
switch to the OFF position. switch is placed in the LOCK, OFF or
ACC(if equipped) position.
Starting and driving 5-17

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year of production from: 2013

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