owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● WhenasparetireismountedorawheelSome devices and transmitters may temporarilyNOTE:
is replaced, tire pressure will not beinterfere with the operation of the TPMS andChanges or modification not expressly ap-
indicated, the TPMS will not functioncause the low tire pressure warning light to illu-provedbythepartyresponsibleforcompli-
and the low tire pressure warning lightminate.ance could void the user’s authority to op-
will flash for approximately 1 minute.Someexamplesare:erate the equipment.
The light will remain on after 1 minute.
ContactyourNISSANdealerassoonas– FacilitiesorelectricdevicesusingsimilarradioFor Canada:
possible for tire replacement and/orfrequencies are near the vehicle.This device complies with Industry Canada
system resetting. – If a transmitter set to similar frequencies islicense-exempt RSS standard(s). Opera-
● Replacingtireswiththosenotoriginallybeing used in or near the vehicle.tion is subject to the following two condi-
specified by NISSAN could affect the– If a computer (or similar equipment) or ations: (1) this device may not cause inter-
proper operation of the TPMS.DC/ACconverter is being used in or near theference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptany
● Do not inject any tire liquid or aerosolvehicle.interference, including interference that
tire sealant into the tires, as this may may cause undesired operation of the de-
sensors. For USA: TPMSwithEasyFill Tire Alert
CAUTION This device complies with Part 15 of theWhen adding air to an under-inflated tire, the
● The TPMS may not function properlyFCCRules. Operation is subject to the fol-TPMSwithEasyFillTireAlertprovidesvisualand
whenthewheelsareequippedwithtirelowing two conditions: (1) This device mayaudible signals outside the vehicle to help you
chainsorthewheelsareburiedinsnow.notcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisinflate the tires to the recommended COLD tire
device must accept any interference re-pressure.
● Do not place metalized film or anyceived, including interference that mayVehicle set-up:
metal parts (antenna, etc.) on the win-cause undesired operation.
dows.Thismaycausepoorreceptionof 1. Park the vehicle in a safe and level place.
the signals from the tire pressure sen- 2. Apply the parking brake and place the shift
sors, and the TPMS will not function lever to the P (Park) position.
3. Placetheignition switch to the ON position.
Donotstart the engine.
Starting and driving 5-5

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year of production from: 2013

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