owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
EXHAUSTGAS(carbonmonoxide) ● If electrical wiring or other cable con-
● Do not leave children or adults who nections must pass to a trailer through
would normally require the assistance WARNING the seal on the liftgate or the body,
of others alone in your vehicle. Pets● Do not breathe exhaust gases; theyfollow the manufacturer’s recommen-
should also not be left alone. Theycontain colorless and odorless carbondation to prevent carbon monoxide en-
could accidentally injure themselves ormonoxide.Carbonmonoxideisdanger-try into the vehicle.
othersthroughinadvertentoperationofous. It can cause unconsciousness or● Theexhaustsystemandbodyshouldbe
the vehicle. Also, on hot, sunny days,death. inspected by a qualified mechanic
temperatures in a closed vehicle could● If you suspect that exhaust fumes arewhenever:
quickly become high enough to causeentering the vehicle, drive with all win-a. The vehicle is raised for service.
severe or possibly fatal injuries todows fully open, and have the vehicle
people or animals. inspected immediately. b. You suspect that exhaust fumes are
● Properly secure all cargo with ropes or enteringintothe passenger
straps to help prevent it from sliding or● Donotruntheengineinclosedspacescompartment.
shifting. Do not place cargo higher thansuch as a garage.c. You notice a change in the sound of
the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or col-● Donotparkthevehiclewiththeenginethe exhaust system.
lision, unsecured cargo could causerunningforanyextendedlengthoftime.d. You have had an accident involving
personal injury. ● Keep the rear vent windows, liftgates,damage to the exhaust system, un-
● To avoid raising the center of gravitydoors and trunk lids (if so equipped)derbody, or rear of the vehicle.
excessively, do not exceed the ratedclosed while driving, otherwise exhaustTHREE-WAYCATALYST
capacityoftheroofrack(ifsoequipped)gases could be drawn into the passen-
andevenly distribute the load.gercompartment.IfyoumustdrivewithThe three-way catalyst is an emission control
one of these open, follow thesedevice installed in the exhaust system. Exhaust
precautions: gases in the three-way catalyst are burned at
1. Open all the windows. high temperatures to help reduce pollutants.
2. Set the air recirculation but-
ton to off and the fan control dial to
high to circulate the air.
5-2 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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