owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Additional information:● Tire pressure rises and falls depending onWARNING
● The TPMS does not monitor the tirethe heat caused by the vehicle’s operation
pressure of the spare tire.and the outside temperature. Low outside● Radio waves could adversely affect
temperature can lower the temperature ofelectric medical equipment. Those who
● TheTPMSwillactivateonlywhenthevehiclethe air inside the tire which can cause ause a pacemaker should contact the
isdrivenatspeeds above 16 MPHlower tire inflation pressure. This may causeelectric medical equipment manufac-
(25km/h).Also,thissystemmaynotdetectathe low tire pressure warning light to illumi-turer for the possible influences before
sudden drop in tire pressure (for example anate. If the warning light illuminates, checkuse.
flat tire while driving).the tire pressure for all four tires.● If the low tire pressure warning light
● Thelowtirepressurewarninglightdoesnot● TheTireandLoadingInformationlabel (alsoilluminates while driving, avoid sudden
automatically turn off when the tire pressurereferred to as the vehicle placard or tiresteering maneuvers or abrupt braking,
is adjusted. After the tire is inflated to theinflation pressure label) is located in thereduce vehicle speed, pull off the road
recommendedpressure,thevehiclemustbedriver’s door opening.to a safe location and stop the vehicle
driven at speeds above 16 MPH (25 km/h)● You can also check the pressure of all tiresinflated tires may permanently damage
to activate the TPMSandturnoffthelowtire(except the spare tire) on the vehicle infor-the tires and increase the likelihood of
pressure warning light. Use a tire pressuremation display screen. The order of the tiretire failure. Serious vehicle damage
gauge to check the tire pressure.pressure figures displayed on the screencouldoccurandmayleadtoanaccident
● The “Tire Pressure Low Add Air” warningcorresponds with the actual order of the tireandcouldresult in serious personal in-
appears in the vehicle information displayposition.jury. Check the tire pressure for all four
when the low tire pressure warning light is tires. Adjust the tire pressure to the
illuminatedandlowtirepressureisdetected.Foradditionalinformation,referto“Lowtirepres-recommended COLD tire pressure
The “Tire Pressure Low Add Air” warningsure warning light” in the “Instruments and con-shownontheTireandLoadingInforma-
trols” section, “Tire Pressure Monitoring Systemtion label to turn the low tire pressure
turns off when the low tire pressure warning(TPMS)”inthe“Incaseofemergency”sectionofwarninglightOFF.Ifyouhaveaflattire,
light turns off. this manual. replace it with a spare tire as soon as
● The “Tire Pressure Low Add Air” warning possible. (For additional information,
does not appear if the low tire pressure refer to “Flat tire” in the “In case of
warning light illuminates to indicate a TPMSemergency”section for changing a flat
malfunction. tire.)
5-4 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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