owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Operation: – There is a malfunction in the TPMS sys-causeyoutolosecontrolofyourvehicle.Aswith
1. Add air to the tire. tem. anyvehicle,lossofcontrolcouldresultina
– There is a malfunction in the horn or haz-collision with other vehicles or objects or
2. After a few seconds, the hazard indicatorsard indicators.causethevehicletorollover,particularly if
will start flashing. the loss of control causes the vehicle to
3. When the designated pressure is reached,– The identification code of the tires pres-slide sideways. Be attentive at all times, and
the horn beeps once and the hazard indica-sure sensor is not registered to the sys-avoid driving when tired. Never drive when under
tors stop flashing. tem. the influence of alcohol or drugs (including pre-
– The battery of the tire pressure sensor isscription or over-the-counter drugs which may
4. Perform the above steps for each tire.low. cause drowsiness). Always wear your seat belt
● If the tire is over-inflated more than ap- asoutlined in the “Safety – Seats, seat belts and
proximately 4 psi (30 kPa), the horn● If the Easy Fill Tire Alert does not operatesupplemental restraint system” section of this
beeps and the hazard indicators flash 3due to TPMS interference, move the ve-manual, and also instruct your passengers to do
times. To correct the pressure, push thehicleabout3ft(1m)backwardorforwardso.
coreofthevalvestemonthetirebrieflytoand try again. Seat belts help reduce the risk of injury in colli-
release pressure. When the pressureIf the Easy Fill Tire Alert is not working, use a tiresions and rollovers. In a rollover crash, an
reaches the designated pressure, thepressure gauge. unbelted or improperly belted person is
horn beeps once. AVOIDINGCOLLISIONAND significantly more likely to be injured or
● If the hazard indicator does not flashROLLOVER killed than a person properly wearing a
within approximately 15 seconds after seat belt.
starting to inflate the tire, it indicates thatWARNINGOFF-ROADRECOVERY
the Easy Fill Tire Alert is not operating.
● The TPMS will not activate the Easy FillFailure to operate this vehicle in a safeIf the right side or left side wheels unintentionally
Tire Alert under the following conditions:and prudent manner may result in loss ofleave the road surface, maintain control of the
control or an accident. vehicle by following the procedure below. Please
– If there is interference from an externalBe alert and drive defensively at all times. Obeynote that this procedure is only a general guide.
device or transmitter. all traffic regulations. Avoid excessive speed,Thevehicle must be driven as appropriate based
– Theair pressure from the inflation devicehigh speed cornering, or sudden steering ma-on the conditions of the vehicle, road and traffic.
is not sufficient to inflate the tire.neuvers, because these driving practices could1. Remain calm and do not overreact.
5-6 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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