owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Every new INFINITI comes with a 4 year,LOW TIRE PRESSURE WARNING
unlimited mileage Roadside AssistanceSYSTEM WARNING
plan.Inthe eventof a roadside
emergency, Roadside Assistance ServiceThis vehicle is equipped with the low tireO If the low tire pressure warning light
is available to you. Please refer to yourpressure warning system. It monitors tirecomes on or a WARNING is displayed
Warranty Information Booklet (U.S.) orpressure of all tires except the spare.
Warranty& Roadside assistanceWhenthetire pressure warning light is lit,on the monitor screen while driving,
information booklet (Canada) for details.one or more of your tires is significantlyavoid sudden steering maneuvers or
Both the Warranty Information Bookletunderinflated. If equipped, the systemabrupt braking, reduce vehicle speed,
and Roadside Assistance Calling Card inalso displays pressure of all tires (exceptpull off the road to a safe location and
your Owner’s Literature Portfolio providethe spare tire) on the display screen bystop the vehicle as soon as possible.
the Toll-Free Number to call for assistance.sending a signal from a sensor that is in-Serious vehicle damage could occur
Roadside Assistance is provided 24 hoursstalled in each wheel. If the vehicle is be-and may lead to an accident and could
a day, 365 days a year, for 4 years froming driven with a very low tire pressureresult in serious personal injury. Check
the date sold to give emergency roadside(lower than 27 psi, 190 kPa), the low tirethe pressure of all four tires. Adjust the
help, in the event of mechanical orpressure warning system will activate andpressure to the recommended COLD tire
nonmechanical trouble(s) such as flatwarn you of it by the low tire pressure
tires, out-of-gas, dead battery, lost keys,warning light or a WARNING (FLAT TIRE)pressure shown on the Tire and
mechanical breakdown, accident, etc.displayed on the screen. This system willLoading Information label to turn the
activate only when the vehicle is driven atlow tire pressure warning light OFF. If
speeds above 20 MPH (32 km/h). Foryou have a flat tire, replace it with a
more details,please refer to spare tire as soon as possible.
“Warning/indicator lights and audible re-
minders” in the “2. Instruments and con-O Ifyour vehicle is equipped with run-flat
trols” section, “Tire pressure information”tires, you can continue driving after you
in the “4. Monitor, climate, audio andhave a flat tire. However, remember
voice-activated control systems” sectionthat vehicle handling stability is re-
and “Low tire pressure warning system”duced, which could lead to an accident
in the “5. Starting and driving” section.and personal injury. See “Wheels and
6-2 In case of emergency
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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