owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
safety information in the INFINITI War-
tires” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-ranty Information Booklet.CAUTION
yourself” section for more details and
make sure to observe the cautions WARNING O Never install tire chains on a punctured
about run-flat tires. Failure to do so run-flat tire, as this could damage your
may result in a serious accident.O Although you can continue driving withvehicle.
O When a spare tire is mounted or aa punctured run-flat tire, remember thatO Avoid driving over any projection or
wheel is replaced, tire pressure will notvehicle handling stability is reduced,pothole, as the clearance between the
be indicated and the low tire pressurewhich could lead to an accident andvehicle and the ground is smaller than
warning system will not function. Con-personal injury. Also, driving a longnormal.
tact your INFINITI dealer as soon asdistance at high speeds may damage
possible for tire replacement and/orthe tires. O Do not enter an automated car wash
system resetting. O Do not drive at speeds above 55 MPHwith a punctured run-flat tire.
O Do not inject any tire liquid or aerosol(88 km/h) and do not drive more thanO Have the punctured tire replaced by
tire sealant into the tires, as this may50 miles (80 km) with a punctured run-your INFINITI dealer as soon as pos-
cause a malfunction of the tire pressureflat tire. A punctured tire may burst andsible, as the tire’s performance capabil-
sensors. cause a serious accident, resulting inity is reduced.
personal injury.
RUN-FLAT TIRES (if so equipped)O Drive safely at reduced speeds. AvoidCHANGING A FLAT TIRE
Run-flat tires are those tires that can behard cornering or braking, which mayIf you have a flat tire, follow the instruc-
used temporarily if they are punctured.cause you to lose control of the vehicle.tions below.
After driving to a safe location, replace OIf a rear tire is punctured, replace itStopping the vehicle
the punctured run-flat tire, following thewith a non-punctured tire, especially
instructions later in “Changing a flat tire”.when driving on rainy snowy or icy1. Safely move the vehicle off the road
For additional information, see “Wheelsroads. and away from traffic.
and tires” in the “8. Maintenance and do- 2. Turn on the hazard warning flashers.
it-yourself” section. Also, see the tire
In case of emergency 6-3
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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