owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
The brake system has two separate hy- parking brake shoes and/or drums/rotors
draulic circuits. If one circuit malfunctions,are replaced, in order to assure the bestandresultinanaccident.
youwillstill have braking at two wheels.brakingperformance.O Iftheengineisnotrunningoristurned
Vacuumassistedbrakes This procedure is described in the Vehicleoff while driving, the power assist for the
The brake booster aids braking by using service manual and can be performed bybrakes will not work. Braking will be
engine vacuum. If the engine stops, you yourINFINITIdealer.harder.
can stop the vehicle by depressing the Usingthebrakes
brake pedal. However, greater foot pres- Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal
sure on the brake pedal will be required towhile driving. This will cause overheating
stop the vehicle and the stopping distanceof the brakes, wearing out the brake and
will be longer. padsfasterandreducegasmileage.
Wetbrakes To help save the brakes and to prevent the
When the vehicle is washed or driven brakes from overheating, reduce speed
through water, the brakes may get wet. Asanddownshifttoalowergearbeforegoing
a result, your braking distance will be down a slope or long grade. Overheated
longer and the vehicle may pull to one sidebrakes may reduce braking performance
duringbraking. andcouldresultinlossofvehiclecontrol.
To dry brakes, drive the vehicle at a safeWARNING
to heat-up the brakes. Do this until the
brakes return to normal. Avoid driving theO While driving on a slippery surface, be
vehicle at high speeds until the brakescareful when braking, accelerating or
function correctly. downshifting. Abrupt braking or acceler-
Parkingbrakebreak-in ating could cause the wheels to skid
Break-in the parking brake shoes when-
ever the stopping effect of the parking
brake is weakened or whenever the
5-40 Startinganddriving

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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