owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Make sure they are of proper size forreduced speed. Otherwise, your vehicle
the tires on your vehicle and are in- may be damaged and/or vehicle handlingvery hard to drive on. The vehicle will
stalled according to the chain manu- and performance may be adversely af-have much less traction or “grip” under
facturer’s suggestions.fected. these conditions. Try to avoid driving
Use of tire chains may be prohibited ac-Never install tire chains on a T-type spareon wet ice until the road is salted or
cording to location. Check the local lawstire. Do not use tire chains on dry roads.sanded.
before installing tire chains. When install-SPECIAL WINTER EQUIPMENTO Whatever the condition, drive with cau-
ing tire chains, make sure they are of tion. Accelerate and slow down with
proper size for the tires on your vehicle It is recommended that the followingcare. If accelerating or downshifting
and are installed according to the chain items be carried in the vehicle duringtoo fast, the drive wheels will lose even
manufacturer’s suggestions. Use only SAEwinter:
Class S chains. Class “S” chains are used more traction.
on vehicles with restricted tire to vehicle1. A scraper and stiff-bristled brush toO Allow more stopping distance under
clearance. Vehicles that can use Class “S”remove ice and snow from the win-
chains are designed to meet the SAEdows and wiper blades.these conditions. Braking should be
standard minimum clearances between started sooner than on dry pavement.
the tire and the closest vehicle suspen- 2. A sturdy, flat board to be placed under
sion or body component required to ac-the jack to give it firm support.O Allow greater following distances on
commodate the use of a winter traction 3. A shovel to dig the vehicle out ofslippery roads.
device (tire chains or cables). Thesnow- drifts. O Watch for slippery spots (glare ice).
minimum clearances are determined These may appear on an otherwise
using the factory equipped tire size. Other4. Extra window washer fluid to refill the
types may damage your vehicle. Usereservoir tank. clear road in shaded areas. If a patch
chain tensioners when recommended byDRIVING ON SNOW OR ICEof ice is seen ahead, brake before
the tire chain manufacturer to ensure a reaching it. Try not to brake while on
tight fit. Loose end links of the tire chainWARNING the ice, and avoid any sudden steering
must be secured or removed to prevent maneuvers.
the possibility of whipping action damageO Wet ice (32°F, 0°C and freezing rain),O Do not use cruise control on slippery
to the fenders or underbody. If possible, roads.
avoid fully loading your vehicle whenvery cold snow or ice can be slick and
using tire chains. In addition, drive at a
Starting and driving 5-47
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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