owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
heater or air conditioner temperature
control to maximum hot and fan con-
trol to high speed.
Automatic transmission models cannot beO Donot continue to drive if your vehicle3. If engine overheating is caused by
push started. Attempting to do so mayoverheats. Doing so could cause engineclimbing a long hill on a hot day, run
cause transmission damage. damage or a vehicle fire. the engine at a fast idle (approxi-
O To avoid the danger of being scalded,mately 1,500 rpm) until the tempera-
If needed, Roadside Assistance is avail-never remove the radiator cap while theturegauge indication returns to
able. Please see your Warranty Informa-engine is still hot. When the radiatornormal.
tion Booklet or Roadside Assistance I.D.cap is removed, pressurized hot water4. Get out of the vehicle. Look and listen
Card for the toll-free number to call (U.S.)will spurt out, possibly causing seriousfor steam or coolant escaping from the
or Warranty & Roadside assistance infor-injury. radiator before opening the hood (If
mation booklet (Canada). steam or coolant is escaping, turn off
O Do not open the hood if steam isthe engine.). Do not open the hood
coming out. further until no steam or coolant can
be seen.
5. Open the engine hood.
If your vehicle is overheating (indicated
by an extremely high temperature gaugeWARNING
reading), or if you feel a lack of engine
power, detect abnormal noise, etc., take
the following steps: If steam or water is coming from the en-
1. Move the vehicle safely off the road,gine, stand clear to prevent getting burned.
apply the parking brake and move the
selector lever to P (Park).6. Visually check drive belts for damage
Do not stop the engine. or looseness. Also check if the cooling
fan is running. The radiator hoses and
2. Turn off the air conditioner switch.radiator should not leak water. If cool-
Open all the windows, move theant is leaking, the drive belt is
6-12 In case of emergency
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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