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owners manual Mercedes GLC

owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
226 Driving systems Rthedistance to the vehicle in front is tooThisfunctionisavailableintherangebetween smallandthelanemarkingsthuscannotbe40mphand120mph(60km/hand detected 200km/h). Rthelanemarkingschangequickly, e.g. Alane-correcting brake application can be lanes branch off, cross one another ormadeafterdrivingoveralanemarkingdetec- merge ted as being solid or broken. Before this, a Rtheroadisnarrowandwinding warning must be given by means of intermit- parkingRtherearestrongshadowscastontheroadtent vibration in the steering wheel. In addi- If no vehicle is detected in the adjacent lanetion, a lane with lane markings on both sides andand broken lane markings are detected, nomustberecognized. g lane-correcting brake application is made.In the case of a broken lane marking being detected, a lane-correcting brake application Warningvibration in the steering wheelcanonlybemadeifavehiclehasbeendetec- rivinAwarning may be given if a front wheelted in the adjacent lane. Oncoming vehicles, D passesoveralanemarking.Itwillwarnyoubyovertaking vehicles and vehicles in adjacent meansofintermittent vibration in the steer-lanes can be detected. ing wheel for up to 1.5 seconds. iAfurtherlane-correcting brake applica- Lane-correcting brake application tion can only occur after your vehicle has If you leave your lane, under certain circum-returned to the original lane. stances the vehicle will brake briefly on oneNolane-correcting brake application occurs side. This is meant to assist you in bringingif: the vehicle back to the original lane.Ryouclearly and actively steer, brake or GWARNING accelerate. Alane-correcting brake application cannotRyoucutthecorneronasharpbend. alwaysbringthevehiclebackintotheoriginalRyouhaveswitchedontheturnsignal. lane. There is a risk of an accident.Radriving safety system intervenes, e.g. ® ® Always steer, brake or accelerate yourself,ESP , PRE-SAFE Brake or Active Blind especiallyifActiveLaneKeepingAssistwarnsSpot Assist. you or makes a lane-correcting brake appli-Ryouhaveadoptedasportydrivingstylewith cation. high cornering speeds or high rates of acceleration. R ® ESP isswitched off. Rthetransmission is not in position D. Ralossoftirepressureoradefectivetirehas been detected and displayed. Ranobstaclein the lane in which you are driving has been detected. Active Lane Keeping Assist may not detect otherroadusersortrafficsituations.Aninap- propriate brake application may be interrup- If a lane-correcting brake application occurs,ted at any time if you: display : appears in the multifunction dis-Rsteer slightly in the opposite direction play. The brake application also slightlyRswitch on the turn signal reduces vehicle speed. Rclearly brake or accelerate
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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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