owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
216 Driving systems
WhenATTENTIONASSISTisdeactivated,theTraffic Sign Assist is a map-based system,
ésymbolappearsinthemultifunction andthus,trafficsignsputuptemporarily(e.g.
display in the assistance graphic display.near roadworks) are not detected.
WhenATTENTIONASSISThasbeendeactiva-If a traffic sign that is relevant to your vehicle
ted, it is automatically reactivated after theis passed, the display of the speed limits is
engine has been stopped. The sensitivityupdated.
selected corresponds to the last selectionTraffic signs with a restriction indicated by an
parkingactivated (standard/sensitive).additional sign (e.g. in wet conditions) are
Warninginthemultifunctiondisplay also shown.
and The traffic signs are only displayed with the
If fatigue or increasing lapses in concentra-restrictions if:
tion are detected, a warning appears in theRtheregulation must be observed with the
ivingmultifunction display: ATTENTION ASSISTrestriction, or
DrTake a Break!. RTraffic Sign Assist is unable to determine
In addition to the message shown in the mul-whether the restriction applies
tifunction display, you will then hear a warn-If Traffic Sign Assist is unable to determine a
ing tone. maximumpermittedspeedfromanyofthe
XIf necessary, take a break. available sources, no speed limit is displayed
XConfirmthemessagebypressingthea in the instrument cluster either.
button on the steering wheel.
time to allow yourself to rest properly. If you
still detects increasing lapses in concentra-
tion, you will be warned again after
15minutesattheearliest. This will only hap-
indicators of fatigue or increasing lapses in
If a warning is output in the multifunction dis-Traffic Sign Assist is not available in all coun-
play, a service station search is performed intries. In this case, symbol : is shown in the
COMAND.Youcanselectaservicestationassistance graphic display (Y page 251).
begin. This function can be activated andImportant safety notes
deactivated in COMAND.
Traffic Sign Assist is only an aid and is not
Traffic Sign Assist always able to correctly display speed limits.
Traffic signs always have priority over the
General notes Traffic Sign Assist display.
Traffic Sign Assist displays the maximumThe system may be either functionally
speed permitted to the driver in the instru-impaired or temporarily unavailable if the
mentcluster.Thedataandgeneraltrafficreg-information in the digital street map of the
ulations stored in the navigation system arenavigation system is incorrect or out of date.
used to determine the current speed limit.

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year of production from: 2015

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