owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Towingatrailer 227
Alane-correcting brake application is inter-Ryouswitchontheturnsignals. In this
rupted automatically if: event, the warnings are suppressedfora
Radriving safety system intervenes, e.g.certain period of time.
® ® Radriving safety system intervenes, such
ESP , PRE-SAFE Brake or Active Blind ®
Spot Assist. as ABS, BAS or ESP . g
Rlanemarkingscannolongerberecognized. WhenAdaptiveisselected, no warning
Activating/deactivating Active Lane vibration occurs if:
KeepingAssist Ryouswitchontheturnsignals. In this parkin
event, the warnings are suppressedforad
certain period of time. an
Radriving safety system intervenes, e.g.g
ABS, BAS or ESP®. n
Ryouaccelerate hard, e.g. kickdown. i
Ryoubrakehard. D
obstacle or change lanes quickly.
In order that you are warned only when nec-
XToactivate: press button ;. essary and in good time if you cross the lane
Indicator lamp : lights up. The Lanemarking, the system recognizes certain con-
Keeping Assist On message appears inditions and warns you accordingly.
the multifunction display. If all conditionsThe warning vibration occurs earlier if:
have been satisfied, a warning or steeringRyouapproachtheouterlanemarkingona
intervention may be made. bend.
If you drive at speeds above 40 mphRtheroadhasverywidelanes,e.g. a high-
(60km/h)andlanemarkingsaredetected, way.
the lines in the assistance graphics displayRthesystemrecognizessolidlanemarkings.
(Y page 251) are shown in green. ActiveThe warning vibration occurs later if:
Lane Keeping Assist is ready for use.
XTodeactivate:press button ;. Rtheroadhasnarrowlanes.
Indicator lamp : goes out. The ActiveRyoucutthecorneronabend.
Lane Keeping Assist is deactivated. The
Lane Keeping Assist Off message Towingatrailer
appears in the multifunction display.
Selecting Standard or Adaptive settingImportant safety notes
XIntheDriveAssistmenuontheon-board GWARNING
computer, select the Active Lane Keep‐Installing an unsuitable ball coupling may
ing Assist function (Y page 253). result in overloading of the trailer tow hitch
XSelect Standard or Adaptive. andtherearaxle.Thisappliesespeciallyifthe
WhenStandardisselected, no warning ball coupling in question is longer or angled
vibration occurs if: differently. This could seriously impair the
driving characteristics and the trailer can
comeloose. There is a risk of an accident.

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year of production from: 2015

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