owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
224 Driving systems
If you select the reverse gear, Active BlindAlways steer, brake or accelerate yourself,
Spot Assist is not operational. especially if Active Blind Spot Assist warns
The brightness of the warning lamps is auto-youormakesacourse-correctingbrakeappli-
matically adapted to the brightness of thecation.Alwaysmaintainasafedistanceatthe
surroundings. sides.
WhenActiveBlind Spot Assist is activated,If a course-correcting brake application
gray radar waves propagating backwardsoccurs, red warning lamp : flashes in the
appear next to the vehicle in the assistanceexterior mirror and a dual warning tone
display in the multifunction display. Above asounds. In addition, display ; underlining
speed of 20 mph (30 km/h), the color of thethe danger of a side collision appears in the
radar waves in the assistance displaymultifunction display.
changestogreen;.ActiveBlindSpotAssistIn very rare cases, the system may make an
is then ready for use. inappropriate brake application. A course-
Visual and acoustic collision warningcorrectingbrakeapplicationmaybeinterrup-
If you switch on the turn signals to changeted at any time if you steer slightly in the
lanes and a vehicle is detected in the sideopposite direction or accelerate.
monitoring range, you receive a visual andThe course-correcting brake application is
acoustic collision warning. You will then hearavailable in the speed range between20mph
a double warning tone and red warning(30 km/h) and 120 mph (200 km/h).
lamp:flashes.Iftheturnsignalremainson,Either no braking application, or a course-
detected vehicles are indicated by the flash-correcting brake application adapted to the
ing of red warning lamp :. There are no fur-driving situation occurs if:
ther warning tones.
Rtherearevehicles or obstacles, e.g. crash
Course-correcting brake application barriers,locatedonbothsidesofyourvehi-
If Active Blind Spot Assist detects a risk of acle.
lateral collision in the monitoring range, aRavehicleapproachesyoutoocloselyatthe
out. This is meant to assist you in avoiding aRyouhaveadoptedasportydrivingstylewith
collision. high cornering speeds.
GWARNING Ryouclearly brake or accelerate.
Acourse-correcting brake application cannotRadriving safety system intervenes, e.g.
® ®
alwayspreventacollision.ThereisariskofanESP orPRE-SAFE Brake.

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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