owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
228 Towingatrailer
Youshould only ever install a ball couplingRthepermissiblerearaxleloadofthetowing
that has the permissible dimensions and thatvehicle
is designed to meet your trailer-towingRthemaximumpermissiblegrossvehicle
requirements.Donotmodifytheballcouplingweight of both the towing vehicle and the
or the trailer tow hitch. trailer
ingYouwillfindthevaluesapprovedbytheman-The applicable permissible values, which
k ufacturer on the vehicle identification platesmustnotbeexceeded,canbefound:
parandthoseforthetowingvehicleunder"Tech-Rinthevehicle documents
nical data" (Y page 416). Rontheidentification plates for the trailer
andGWARNING tow hitch and the trailer
If the ball coupling is not installed correctly orRonthevehicleidentification plate
ivingnot secured with the bolt provided and theIf the values differ, the lowest value applies.
Dr corresponding spring cotter, the trailer mayWhentowingatrailer,yourvehicle'shandling
comeloose. There is a risk of an accident.characteristicswillbedifferentincomparison
Alwaysinstall and secure the ball coupling aswith when driving without a trailer.
described. Before every journey, ensure thatThe vehicle/trailer combination:
the ball coupling is secured with the bolt andRisheavier
the corresponding spring cotter.Risrestricted in its acceleration and gradi-
GWARNING ent-climbing capability
Whenthevehicle/trailer combination beginsRhasanincreasedbraking distance
to lurch, you could lose control of it. The vehi-Risaffected more by strong crosswinds
cle/trailer combination could even rollover.Rdemandsmoresensitivesteering
There is a risk of an accident.Rhasalargerturning radius
Onnoaccountshouldyouattemptto This could impair the handling characteris-
straighten up the vehicle/trailer combinationtics.
by increasing the speed. Reduce vehicleWhentowingatrailer, always adjust your
speed and do not countersteer. Apply thespeed to the current road and weather con-
brake as necessary. ditions. Do not exceed the maximum permis-
Pleaseobservethemanufacturer'soperatingsible speed for your vehicle/trailer combina-
instructions for the trailer coupling if ation.
detachable trailer coupling is used.
Couple and uncouple the trailer carefully. IfNotesontowingatrailer
you do not couple the trailer to the towingImportant safety notes
vehicle correctly, the trailer could become
detached. GWARNING
Makesurethatthefollowing values are notWhenthevehicle/trailer combination begins
exceeded: to lurch, you could lose control of it. The vehi-
Rthepermissibletrailerdrawbarnoseweightcle/trailer combination could even rollover.
Rthepermissible trailer load There is a risk of an accident.
straighten up the vehicle/trailer combination
by increasing the speed. Reduce vehicle

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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