owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
The VDC system uses an Active Brake Lim-
ited Slip (ABLS) function to improve vehicleWARNINGO If brake related parts such as brake
traction. The ABLS system works when one pads, rotors and calipers are not stan-
of the driving wheels is spinning on a slip-O TheVDCsystemisdesignedtohelpim-dardequipmentorareextremelydeterio-
pery surface. The ABLS system brakes theprove driving stability but does not pre-rated, the “VDC OFF” indicator or “SLIP”
spinning wheel, which distributes theventaccidentsduetoabruptsteeringop-indicator or both indicator lights may il-
driving power to the other drive wheel. Iferation at high speeds or due to carelessluminate.
the vehicle is operated with the VDCor dangerousdrivingtechniques.ReduceO Whendrivingonextremelyinclined sur-
system turned off, all VDC system and TCSvehicle speed and be especially carefulfacessuchashigherbankedcorners,the
functions will be turned off. The ABLSwhen driving and cornering on slippery
system and ABS will still operate with the VDC system may not operate properly
VDCsystemoff. If the ABLS system or ABSsurfacesandalwaysdrivecarefully.and the “VDC OFF” indicator or “SLIP”
is activated, the “SLIP” indicator light willO If engine related parts such as mufflerindicator or both indicator lights may il-
blink and you may hear a clunk noiseare not standard equipment or are ex-luminate. Do not drive on these types of
and/or feel a pulsation in the brake pedal.tremelydeteriorated,the“VDCOFF”indi-roads.
This is normal and is not an indication of a
malfunction. cator or “SLIP” indicator or both indi-O Whendrivingonunstablesurfacessuch
While the VDC system is operating, youcator lights may illuminate.as a turntable, ferry, elevator or ramp,
mayfeelapulsationinthebrakepedalandO Donotmodifythevehicle’ssuspension.the “VDC OFF” indicator or “SLIP” indi-
hear a noise or feel a vibration from underIf suspension parts such as shock ab-cator or both indicator lights may illumi-
the hood. This is normal and indicates thatsorbers, struts, springs, stabilizer barsnate. This is not a malfunction. Restart
theVDCsystemisworkingproperly.andbushingsarenotINFINITIapprovedthe engine after driving onto a stable
TheVDCsystemcomputerhasabuilt-indi-or are extremely deteriorated the VDCsurface.
agnosticfeaturethatteststhesystemeachsystem may not operate properly. ThisO If wheels or tires other than those rec-
time you start the engine and move the ve-could adversely affect vehicle handlingommended are used, the VDC system
hicle at a low speed forward or backward.performance, and the “VDC OFF” indi-maynotoperateproperlyand“VDCOFF”
Whentheself-test occurs, you may hear acator or “SLIP” indicator or both indi-indicator or “SLIP” indicator or both in-
“clunk”noiseand/orfeelapulsationinthecator lights may illuminate.dicator lights may illuminate.
dication of a malfunction.
Starting and driving 5-45

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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