owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
set your desired cruising speed. PushingO The vehicle may not maintain the set
the MAIN switch again will turn the speed when going up or down steep
system completely off. hills. If this happens, manually main-
Whenthe ignition switch is turned off, thetain vehicle speed.
system is also automatically turned off.To cancel the preset speed,use any of
To use the Intelligent Cruise Controlthe following methods:
again, quickly push and release the MAINa) Push the CANCEL button. The SET indi-
switch (vehicle-to-vehicle distance controlcator light will go out.
mode) or push and hold it (conventional
cruise control mode) again to turn it on.b) Tap the brake pedal. The SET indicator
light will go out.
CAUTION c) Turn the MAIN switch off. Both the
CRUISE indicator and SET indicator
SSD0390 To avoid accidentally engaging cruise con-lights will go out.
Operating conventional (fixed trol, make sure to turn the ON/OFF switchTo reset at a faster cruising speed,use
speed) cruise control mode off when not using the Intelligent Cruiseone of the following three methods:
Control. a) Depress the accelerator pedal. When
To turn on the conventional (fixed speed) the vehicle attains the desired speed,
cruise control mode,push and hold the push and release the SET/COAST
MAIN switch A To set cruising speed, accelerate your ve-
jfor longer than about 1.5 switch.
seconds. hicle to the desired speed, push the
When pushing the MAIN switch on, the SET/COAST switch and release it. (The b) Pushandhold the RESUME/
Intelligent Cruise Control system display SET indicator light will come on.) TakeACCELERATE set switch. When the ve-
and the CRUISE indicator light (White) inyour foot off the accelerator pedal. Yourhicle attains the speed you desire, re-
the instrument cluster come on. After youvehicle will maintain the set speed.lease the switch.
hold the MAIN switch on for longer thanO To pass another vehicle,depress thec) Push,thenquicklyreleasethe
about 1.5 seconds, the Intelligent Cruiseaccelerator pedal. When you releaseRESUME/ACCELERATE switch. Each
Control system display goes out. The the pedal, the vehicle will return totime you do this, the set speed will in-
CRUISE indicator stays lit. You can nowthe previously set speed. crease by about 1 MPH (1.6 km/h).
Starting and driving 5-35
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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